Osteoporosis Management

Deb Gulbrandson, PT, DPT has been a physical therapist for over 42 years with experience in acute care, home health, pediatrics, geriatrics, sports medicine, and consulting to business and industry. Dr. Gulbrandson frequently presents community talks on topics related to Osteoporosis and safe ways to develop Core Strength. She is a member of the APTA Geriatric and Private Practice Sections, a Certified Osteoporosis Exercise Specialist using the Meeks Method, and is a CEEAA (Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult) through the Geriatric Section of the APTA.

Hello, my name is Deb Gulbrandson. May is National Osteoporosis Month, and my colleague, Frank Ciuba, and I are creators of the upcoming remote course Osteoporosis Management on June 12-13, 2021.

Did you know that approximately half of all women and a quarter of all men will break a bone due to osteoporosis? Equally disheartening, every year about one-third of adults in the US age 65 and older will fall. Many of these falls will result in broken bones.

Frank and I developed the Osteoporosis Management course to bring treatment protocols to practitioners in an organized and easily implementable format. This course is based on the Meeks Method created by Sara Meeks, PT, MS, GCS, with whom Frank and I taught for several years. With Sara’s blessing, we have branched out to add information on sleep hygiene, exercise dosing, and basic nutrition for a person with low bone mass. Knowing how to recognize signs, screen for osteoporosis, and design an effective and safe program can be life-changing for these patients.

In all likelihood, you are working with osteoporosis patients right now whether you know it or not. Osteoporosis affects all ages and stages of life including young and middle-aged men and women. Often we see patients with orthopedic or neurologic diagnoses who also have osteoporosis- known or unknown. Being able to address patients’ comorbidities helps ensure safety and quality of life. Many of the techniques we use can apply across several patient demographics. After all, who doesn’t benefit from postural alignment, back extensor/glute strengthening, and balance activities?

Working with this population has been extremely rewarding, because similar to pelvic health patients, these patients have been told there’s nothing you can do about it. They are incredibly grateful to find out that there IS something you can do about osteoporosis. They enthusiastically take an active role in their rehabilitation.

In addition, as a private practice owner for over 30 years, I’ve found osteoporosis to be a great business opportunity. An incredible niche practice, bringing in patients who have actively sought out my clinic with their self-referrals or by word of mouth.

We hope that you will join us this June 12-13 for our course Osteoporosis Management for an opportunity to experience posture, power, visual cueing, strengthening, and balance activities along with osteoporosis screening, evaluation, and evidence-based practice.

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