For the last few months, Herman & Wallace's team of Item Writers have been plugging away at writing the questions and answers that will appear on the multiple-choice certification exam for Pelvic Therapy Practitioner Certification (PTPC). We needed 450 items in the item bank in order to move onto the next step of exam development, and are so excited to announce that, today, we hit 400 items! That means, we have only 50 items to go!
In August, our team of Subject Matter Experts will meet to go through the 450 items to edit them for clarity, accuracy and convention. This is one of the final steps (prior to beta-testing the items after review) before we launch the exam!
Once the first offering of the exam is announced, H&W will be making study guides and other materials available.
The PTPC exam will be multiple-choice and contain 150 questions. Questions will relate to pelvic floor dysfunction in men and women throughout the life cycle. The 150 questions will relate to 8 domains, based on the Test Blueprint created from the Job Task Analysis. The chart below lists the domains, the general percentage of content in the exam for that domain, and the approximate number of test questions pertaining to the given domain.
Anatomy (15%) | 22 or 23 | |
Physiology (20%) | 30 | |
Pathophysiology (20%) | 30 | |
Pharmacology (5%) | 7 or 8 | |
Medical Intervention & Tests (5%) | 7 or 8 | |
Tests & Measures (10%) | 15 | |
Interventions (20%) | 30 | |
Professional & Legal (5%) | 7 or 8 |
Those who want to start preparing can review their anatomy and physiology of the pevic floor. Herman & Wallace Pelvic Floor series courses will be the most relevant to the exam, but all courses offered by the Institute cover important aspects of pelvic rehab. Online courses are also an excellent way to review concepts, particulary Functional Applications of Pelvic Rehab Part A and Part B.
Be sure to review information related to pelvic floor in men and women of all ages, as this exam fills the void left by other specializations that focus solely on women's pelvic floor dysfunction, ilke the WCS exam offered by the APTA.
We are so excited to soon be finished with Item Writing and to move on to item reviewing next month. We are even more excited to be able to offer therapists the ability to distinquish themselves with PTPC to show their expertise in treating pelvic floor dysfunciton!
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