Breathing and the Diaphragm: Orthopedic Therapists - Remote Course - May 15-16, 2021

Breathing and the Diaphragm: Orthopedic Therapists - Remote Course - May 15-16, 2021

  • Description

  • Schedule

  • Objectives

  • Remote Course Info

  • Instructors

  • Discounts

Price: $450
Experience Level: Beginner
Contact Hours: 14

Despite decades of research Breathing Pattern Disorders, together with a range of the resulting pathophysiological biochemical, psychological and biomechanical effects, remain commonly under-recognized by health care professionals as contributing to pain, fatigue, and dysfunction in general and lumbopelvic pain and dysfunction”- Leon Chaitow

This remote continuing education course is presented live on Zoom and is designed to expand the participant's knowledge of the diaphragm and breathing mechanics. Through multiple lectures and detailed labs, participants will learn how the diaphragm, breathing, and the abdominals can affect core and postural stability through intra-abdominal pressure changes.

As an integrated approach, the course looks at structures from the glottis and the cervical region to the pelvic floor and helps in understanding a multi-component system that works together. Optimal function of the diaphragm and breathing patterns are key to a healthy pelvic floor, a normal functioning core, and postural stability. Evidence-based methods to assess the diaphragm and breathing mechanics are presented along with easy-to-apply practical intervention strategies.

This course includes assessment and treatment of the barriers by addressing thoracic spine articulation and rib cage abnormalities in the fascial system of muscles related to breathing and the diaphragm. The assessment concepts and treatment techniques can easily be integrated into a therapist's current evaluation and intervention strategies.

The course information is applicable to patients who present with Diastasis Rectus Abdominis, pelvic pain, incontinence, prolapse, cervical/thoracic/scapular/ and lumbar pain. In addition, current literature has shown that these breath and diaphragm training techniques can effectively improve athletic performance in Labs will be demonstrated and will be participatory where possible.

Participants may practice labs on a family member or friend or team with a fellow participant where possible.

Target Audience: This continuing education seminar is targeted to physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapist assistants, and other rehabilitation professionals. Content is not intended for use outside the scope of the learner's license or regulation. Physical therapy continuing education courses should not be taken by individuals who are not licensed or otherwise regulated, except, as they are involved in a specific plan of care


All pre-recorded lectures in Teachable for this course must be watched before the Live Component of the course. See the Schedule tab for the current list of pre-recorded videos

What to Bring:

  • Theraband blue (a fairly long length)
  • Goniometers

Special Considerations:

This course is presented remotely on Zoom Participants need to bring a goniometer and some medium resistance theraband.

NOTE: Times below are listed in Pacific time zone
For assistance converting the times below to your local time zone, use this link:

Before Day One

These video lectures in Teachable must be viewed in-full prior to the course
Total video lecture time: 2.5 hours

1) Anatomy (22 min)
2) Diaphragm and breathing lecture (50 min)
3) Breathing patterns and assessment lecture (20 mins)
4) Regional Interdependence lecture (53 mins)

Day One

7:30 am PST - Zoom opens 30 mins before course for registration and setup
8:00 am PST - Course begins / Intro and Q&A
8:30 - Assessment of breathing Lab
9:30 - Break
9:40 - Breathing - Head/Neck/UE
10:00 - Myofascial Lab Part 1
10:45 - Break
11:00 - Breathing – Stability/LBP/IAP
11:30 - Postures
12:15 - Break
12:30 - Myofascial lab Part 2
1:15 - Posture/Core Lab
2:15 - Adjourn

Day Two

7:30 am PST - Zoom opens 30 mins before course for registration and setup
8:00 am PST - Course begins / Q&A
8:30 - Thorax lab
9:30 - Break
9:45 - Glottis to pelvic floor
10:45 - Break
11:00 - Treatment of breathing
12:15 - Break
12:30 - Exercise lab
1:30 - Sports
2:00 - Case Studies and Discussion
2:30 - Wrap up
2:45 - Adjourn

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to::

1. Describe the functional anatomy and biomechanics of the thoracic spine, ribs and diaph-ragm.
2. Explain normal diaphragmatic breathing and the role of the internal and external oblique musculature.
3. Assess and treat dysfunctional breathing patterns including but not limited to chest, ab-dominal and paradoxical breathing patterns.
4. Understand the concept of Intra-Abdominal Pressure (IAP)/ and the control and use of IAP with the diaphragm in a lowered position as a stabilizing mechanism for the spine.
5. Understand the concept of regional interdependence and it’s application in the treatment of back or pelvic pain patients.
6. Recognize the effects of postural patterns and the linkage to the diaphragm and pelvic floor.
7. Understand the muscles and myofascial components involved in dysfunctional breathing and techniques to effectively treat the same.
8. Understand and demonstrate mobilizations of the rib and thoracic spine and develop a comprehensive treatment program.
9. Develop an exercise progression for dysfunctional breathing for use in the clinic and in home programs.
10. Integrate diaphragmatic breathing and mobility in the athletic clientele

Attending a remote course is easy and safe, and you can do it entirely from the security and comfort of your own home or clinic without having to find a lab partner.


Important thing to note:

- Our policy for applying for continuing education credit for remote courses differs from that of our in-person and satellite lab courses. Read the specific language of the policy here. Depending on the state in which you practice, you may need to submit your own application to your state board or approving body should you wish that it be approved for continuing education credit in your state.

- To attend a remote Herman & Wallace course, registrants will need Zoom video conferencing software. This is a requirement. One can create an account and download the software to their computer at

- We use the Pacific Time Zone for all of our remote course start and end times (this is not the case for in-person and satellite lab locations). Please make a note of this and set your calendar accordingly.

- A Zoom account is free to create. Before the meeting, we recommend having a practice Zoom session with a friend or colleague so you can test your microphone, video, and internet connection. You can participate in any remote course from the comfort of your home, but will need a stable internet connection in order to participate. We recommend downloading the software and practicing a call with a friend or colleague prior to your course with us. Zoom also offers video tutorials on their website at

- Still have questions about Remote Courses? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions on Remote Courses

Aparna Rajagopal PT, MHS, WCS, PRPC

Aparna Rajagopal, PT, Mhs, PRPCAparna Rajagopal PT, MHS, WCS, PRPC, Capp -OB Certified (she/her) holds a bachelor of Science degree in Physical Therapy from India and a Master of Health Sciences from the University of Indianapolis. She developed a growing interest in treating pregnant and post partum patients in 2003. The birth of her daughter in 2006 served as the driving force behind her passion for the field of pelvic dysfunction. She treats men, women and children with urological, gynecological and colorectal issues. Her work with female athletes led her to realize the importance of correct breathing techniques in rehabilitation and led her to co-author the breathing and diaphragm class.

She serves as lead therapist for the pelvic dysfunction program at Henry Ford Macomb Hospital where she mentors and teaches other pelvic therapists. She is consultant for the hospitals Sports therapy team for the athletic triad syndrome. She frequently presents and educates physicians, residents, physical therapists, and community support groups on physical therapy treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction. She serves as co-chair of the continuing education committee at her hospital system where she helps to write and develop courses.

She resides in the metro Detroit area with her husband and daughter and her interests include traveling the world, hiking, and reading.

Leeann Taptich DPT, SCS, MTC, CSCS

Leeann Taptich, PT, DPT Leeann Taptich, PT, DPT (she/her) has been a physical therapist since 2006. She graduated with a BS in Kinesiology from Michigan State University and a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of St Augustine. In 2009, she earned her Manual Therapy from the University is St Augustine and her board certification as a Sports Certified Specialist in 2018.

Leeann leads the Sports Physical Therapy team at Henry Ford Macomb Hospital in Michigan where she mentors a team of therapists. She also works very closely with the pelvic team at the hospital which gives her a very unique perspective of the athlete. With her combination of credentials and her exposure to pelvic health she is able to use a very eclectic but complete approach in her treatment of orthopedic and sports patients. With the hospital system, she is involved with the community promoting health and wellness at local running competition and events.

Leeann is passionate about educating and teaching and has assisted in teaching multiple courses at the local State a university PT department. She is co-chair of the continuing education committee at her hospital where she writes and develops courses. She is co-author of the Breathing and Diaphragm class at Herman and Wallace.

Leeann lives in the metro Detroit area with her husband and 2 children. She enjoys hiking, traveling, and watching football.

Attention: We are unable to offer "retro-active" discounts (i.e. applying a discount to a transaction after the transaction takes place), so if you are interested in exploring discount options and you are unsure if your transactions is eligible for a discount, please contact us to inquire.

Multi-Course Discount

This 10% discount is available for a single registrant who wishes to enroll in 3 or more courses, and pay in one transaction. Registrants wishing to enroll in 5 or more courses should contact us for a customized quote. We can also apply this discount if 2 therapists from a single clinic/hospital enroll in 3 or more courses (ie Registrant A enrolls in Course X and Course Y, Registrant B enrolls in Course X, and Registrants A and B both work at Clinic Z). This discount cannot be used in combination with any other discounts. Registration and payment must be received at the same time in one credit card payment, one check or one envelop with multiple checks. This type of registration cannot be completed online, if you are wishing to receive the Multi-Course discount please call or email us directly for assistance.

Course discounts for the Pelvic Floor Series are capped at 10% no matter the group size or number of registrations

Group Discount

This discount is available for a group of three or more registrants, who all work at the same clinic/hospital, enroll in a single course, and pay in a single transaction or mail in multiple checks in a single envelope. This discount cannot be used in combination with any other discounts.

Groups of 3-5 receive a 10% discount off the combined price of their group's registrations.

Course discounts for the PF series are being capped at 10% no matter on group size or number of registrations - but will be staying the same for specialty courses.

Student Discount

This 10% discount is available to current students who have yet to earn a license to practice at the time of course registration. Students are welcome to attend satellite and remote courses with H&W once they have reached their third year and/or completed a hands-on clinical in their second year. You may register while in your 2nd year for a course that is taking place by the time you have become a third-year student. However, students are not allowed to register or attend a self-hosted course.


To get this discount when checking out online, use the code STUDENT2023 for courses scheduled for 2023. (Note, this code is only valid for non-licensed students. The H&W admin team will verify that registrants signed up with this code are, indeed, current students prior to their attendance of the course).

Referral Credit/Discount

Any therapist who has already taken a Herman & Wallace course will earn a $50.00 "referral credit" if:

1. A therapist who has never taken a Herman & Wallace course successfully registers for his or her first course(s); AND
2. In the registration process, the first-time registrant gives the name and clinic/hospital of the therapist who referred them to Herman & Wallace.

A therapist who has earned a $50.00 "referral credit" may use this credit toward any course that is eligible for a "referral discount".

Guest Blogger Credit/Discount

Any therapist who completes a qualifying guest blog post on the Herman & Wallace blog will earn a $50.00 "guest blogger credit". This credit may be applied toward any course.