Course Title
Mobilization of the Myofascial Layer
Course Description
This is a satellite offering of our course, Mobilization of the Myofascial Layer course. This continuing education course consists of pre-recorded lectures followed by live, interactive remote learning which will be completed by groups meeting at a specific satellite OR self hosted location. The instructor will be presenting to all satellites from a remote location via Zoom. During labs, participants will pair up and be guided by the local lab assistants at the satellite course location. It is expected that participants will only register for satellites in which they are within driving distance, and adhere to all state and local COVID guidelines, including wearing a mask at all times during the course. The self-hosted option is for those who will be working in pairs or small groups on their own.
Fascia is the ubiquitous tissue that permeates the entire body; it supports and connects all of the other structures found within. The “myofascial” is comprised of those layers of fascia that are associated with the locomotor system. Application of myofascial therapy for pelvic dysfunction is well documented as an effective treatment approach. This treatment requires a detailed knowledge of pelvic anatomy as well as palpation skills for assessment of connective tissue mobility, movement asymmetry and tissue tension abnormalities affecting the pelvis and lower extremity and their associated fascial structures.
Course Start Date/Time and Time Zone:
Apr 4, 2025 4:00 PM America/New_York
Venue: Hendricks Regional Health
1000 E Main Street
Danville, Indiana 46122