Day One:
7:30 Registration 8:00 Introduction: Pelvic rehab needs of male patients 8:30 Male pelvic anatomy 9:30 Male urogenital anatomy 10:15 Break 10:30 Introduction to male pelvic examination and evaluation 11:30 Lab 1: Perineal observation, external and internal rectal muscle assessment. 12:30 Lunch 1:30 Prostate cancer 2:00 Prostate cancer treatment, medical care following prostate surgery 2:45 Break 3:00 Rehabilitation for Post Prostectomy Voiding Dysfunction 4:00 Biofeedback
4:30 Lab 2: Biofeedback, sEMG uptraining
5:30 Questions/wrap up
6:00 Adjourn
Day Two:
7:30 Check-in 8:00 Sexual Dysfunction and treatment 9:00 Other conditions related to male prostate and urogenital dysfunction 10:00 Yoga for Incontinence 10:30 Biofeedback 11:00 Lab 2: Biofeedback, sEMG uptraining 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Pelvic pain post prostatectomy 1:30 Lab 3: Examination for pelvic pain, sEMG downtraining 2:30 Developing a post-prostatectomy program 3:00 Inappropriate patient sexual behavior 4:00 Questions/wrap up
4:30 Adjourn