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Pelvic Floor Level 2A

PES TABS - Schedule

Before Day One

These video lectures in Teachable must be viewed in-full prior to the course 

Total video lecture time: 6 hours

1) Intro to pessaries in pelvic rehabilitation
2) Medicolegal considerations of pessary fitting
3) Anatomy in pessary fitting and use
4) Types of pessaries (Ring, Dish, Gehrung, Gellhorn, Cube)
5) Pessary Indications, contraindications, precautions, and alternatives to pessaries
6) Assessing perineal and vaginal dimensions

Day One

7:00 am - Doors to venue open for registrants
7:30 am - Course Begins / Prerecorded questions and follow-up
7:45 - Lecture and lab prep: observation and measurements
8:30 - Lab I – observation and measurement
9:30 - Break
9:45 - Lecture: evaluation including speculum, tissue assessment
10:45 - Lab: evaluation including speculum, tissue assessment
12:15 - Lunch
1:15 - Fitting ring with knob and dish pessary, prep for lab
2:00 - Fitting ring with knob and dish pessary
3:15 - Break
3:30 - Comprehensive care for prolapse and pessaries
4:30 - Course synthesis
4:45 - Adjourn

Day Two

7:00 am - Doors to venue open for registrants
7:30 am - Course Begins / Concept review
7:45 - Lecture and lab prep: fitting an inflatable donut pessary
8:15 - Lab: fitting an inflatable donut pessary
9:15 - Break
9:30 - Special populations in pessary fitting – Postpartum, Postsurgical, Trans health, Athletes
10:30 - Complex cases, medical referral, and lifespan pessary use
11:15 - Complications from pessary use: urinary issues, tissue erosion, discharge
12:15 Lunch
1:00 - Case studies
2:00 - Ask me anything with MD guest lecturer
3:00 - Course recap
3:15 - Adjourn