Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about Continuing Education Courses

Questions about Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certification (PRPC)

Other Questions

Getting Started in Pelvic Rehabilitation

I have no experience treating pelvic rehabilitation patients, but I'd like to begin, how can I get started?

You have come to the right place! 


Check out this helpful guide on How to Become a Pelvic Floor Therapist. 


Many therapists who are just getting started with pelvic rehab take our most popular course, Pelvic Floor Level 1. This course is designed to instruct in immediately-applicable clinical skills of evaluating and treating pelvic floor dysfunction, inclusive of internal pelvic floor evaluations, using biofeedback and external palpation. It is highly recommended for the therapist who wants to begin seeing patients with uro-gynecologic pain conditions and incontinence. This thorough introductory course was created so that, upon completion of the course, participants can begin to treat a patient with pelvic floor issues the next day, using the skills learned at the course.


Beyond the Pelvic Floor 1, we offer a number of Beginning Level courses (courses with no pre-requisites) that cover a vast array of topics and target patient populations.


If you would like additional guidance on which course offering best fits your goals and target patient population, please contact us! We are here to guide you into an event that best suits your needs.

Participation and Eligibility

Who can register for a self-hosted course?

Registrants who would like to pursue the self-hosted registration option must:

  • Locate another therapist or small group of therapists who would like to register together as a unit. Individual registrations without a qualified and registered partner are not permitted.
  • Find a suitable location from which the pair/group can all view the zoom lectures together.
  • Practice hands-on lab techniques on the other therapists in their pair/group without a lab assistant or instructor physically present at their self-hosted location. The instructor will provide remote direction via zoom.
  • Students are required to attend a hosted satellite course option and are not permitted to register for self-hosted events..

Herman & Wallace will no longer be offering the self-hosted option for Pelvic Floor Level 1, a course in which many participants learn to perform their first internal exam of pelvic structures. During the height of the pandemic, there was a need for greater flexibility and creativity when folks could not safely gather in groups to learn these skills. H&W has evaluated what works about this powerful and accessible learning model and found the following: when starting out in the first lab course, participants need to be guided by an H&W-vetted Teaching Assistant, which is what takes place at a hosted satellite course.

Who Can Take a Herman & Wallace Course?


Herman & Wallace continuing education courses are attended mainly by physical therapists. However, we see ourselves as a resource for all health care practitioners seeking to improve patients' quality of life, and other professionals are welcome in our courses so long as the content covered in any given course that one attends is within that person's scope of practice. It is the responsibility of course registrant to check with their state boards to ensure that the content of a Herman & Wallace course that they attend is within their state-specific scope of practice

Students in a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program are welcome to attend our courses once they have reached the third year of their program and/or have completed a hands-on clinical in their second year. Studetns may register while in their 2nd year for an event that has a start date in their third-year. Herman & Wallace policy is that DPT students are not allowed to attend self-hosted events.

The following is a "non-exhaustive" list of practitioners who are welcome to take our courses:

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) Nurse Midwives (CNM)
Nurse Practitioners (ARNP) Occupational Therapists (OT) Occupational Therapists Assistants (OTA)
Physical Therapists (PT) Physical Therapists Assistants (PTA) Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Physicians Assistants (PA) Registered Nurses (RN) Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND)

By "non-exhaustive" we mean that these are simply the most common registrants that we see in our courses. Potential registrants who are not licensed in one of the above professions and wish to attend a given H&W course must contact their state licensing board and ask for written clarification on whether or not the content of the course they wish to attend falls within their scope of practice. Prior to allowing a registrant who holds a license other than those listed above to attend a course, we will require a written letter from that individual's state licensing board that states:

1 - The content of the course is within the scope of practice of the attendee's license
2 - The attendee's scope of practice includes patient diagnosis and prognosis

Our requiring such a letter from a state board is new policy that balances the dynamic nature of state licensing requirements and scope of practice, or goal of offering this education to as many practitioners as possible, and our legal risk of allowing practitioners into our courses that do not hold a license on the approved list of license types at the list above.


Licensed Massage Therapists

Herman & Wallace values the work of Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) and the place LMTs have in the healthcare industry. However, we have consulted with legal counsel, and at the advice of our legal counsel, we are not accepting registrations from LMTs at this time. If regulation of the LMT profession changes, we will revisit this policy with our legal counsel and amend our attendance policies accordingly.

Can I take a course with prerequisites if I have not taken the pre-requisite course?

H&W courses are classified as Beginner (no prerequisites) Intermediate (one prerequisite) or Advanced (two or more prerequisites). Beginner-level courses can be taken by licensed therapists without any prior coursework. Therapists interested in registering for any Intermediate or Advanced course must review the prerequisites on the course description page and honestly assess/report their own fulfillment of the published prequisites. Courses that have Pelvic Floor Level One as a prerequisite require a working knowledge of performing internal assessments. It is never recommended that a participant skip this introduction without prior training or experience performing internal exam. 

Clinical experience or alternative coursework may be a substitute for the published course requirements, and it is recommended that a therapist considering opting out of a published prereq review the objectives of the required course and assert that said objectives have been met. Because it is impossible to verify participant's past experience and training, H&W is not able to verify satisfaction of prerequisites during registration, and it is the responsibility of the registrant to follow the published requirements. H&W highly recommends following the recommended/required course work in order, and will not give refunds or special arrangements for therapists who elect, at their own discretion, to take courses out of the published, recommended order.

I am a PT or DPT student, can I register for a course?

Students are welcome to attend satellite and remote courses with H&W once they have reached their third year and or have completed a hands-on clinical in their second year. You may register while in your 2nd year for a course that is taking place by the time you have become a third-year student.

Students are not allowed to register or attend a self-hosted course.


We also offer a student discount. To get this discount when checking out online, use the code Student2024. (Note, this code is only valid for non-licensed students. The H&W admin team will verify that registrants signed up with this code are, indeed, current students prior to their attendance of the course).

What is our policy on participants that are pregnant or have other medical concerns that may prevent them from participating in labs?

For courses which include lab work, participants should understand that they will be evaluated by students who have never before performed these examinations. H&W does not recommend that participants be evaluated or act as a model for internal examinations if they are pregnant or have other medical conditions that limit examinations or vaginal penetration.


Vaginal examination and internal myofascial manual therapy prior to 32 weeks gestation is not the common standard of medical practice. Participants who are pregnant who wish to participate fully in the entire course including in lab must bring a clearance letter from their physician allowing them to participate in the labs is required. Clearance letters should come from the participant's OB/GYN and be on rx form or stationary.


Participants who are pregnant also have the option of bringing their own lab model for examination, or they have the option of working in a group of three during lab times. Course instructors will facilitate participants observing as a part of a group of three at the course event. Please understand that hands on lab time for participants observing in a group of three may be more limited.

What is our policy on men participating in courses that include internal lab work?

The Herman & Wallace Institute welcomes all professionals who are appropriately licensed at our courses. H&W does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. Being born with specific anatomy is not a prerequisite for attending or participating fully in our courses. This includes therapists who do not have a vagina participating in courses that include intravaginal exam.

During labs, no participant will be required to partner with any other one participant. Participants who do not have a vagina and who want to be assured of having a lab partner, therefore, may wish to bring a lab model, similar to those participants who cannot participate fully in labs because they are pregnant or have another medical consideration.

What is our policy on patients attending lab courses as models?

During courses which involve hands-on lab work, participants partner with other licensed professionals to practice techniques. Partnering with another clinician allows the participant to receive feedback from a licensed professional. HW does not permit unlicensed patients to attend our courses in order to act as lab models, as this practice is specifically prohbited by numerous approving bodies for professional continuing education. 

Participants should understand that they will be performing labs with clinicians who are new to the concepts and techniques for the purpose of education. For that reason, no one should attend a course in order to seek care or treatment. 


What is our policy on participants bringing children to live course events and satellites?

Herman & Wallace values its students and recognizes the importance that families fulfill in the lives of students. To foster respect for the needs of all parties impacted by the presence of minor children in the classroom, H&W does not allow minor children to be present in classroom settings of live course events, or hosted satellite locations. H&W courses provide in-depth lectures with live labs that include external and internal techniques, where complete attention is required of all participants.


The classroom, as detailed above, is typically not an appropriate place for non-student, minor children to be present. The term “minor child” means a minor child who is not enrolled in classes. This policy includes all employee, faculty, partner, or student who has responsibility for a minor child while in the classroom regardless of the employee’s or student’s relationship to the child.

I am a massage therapist. Can I attend a course?

As always, ​it is the responsibility of a course participant to guarantee that they are legally able to conduct the techniques taught in a Herman & Wallace course prior to participating. Herman & Wallace values the place Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) have in the healthcare industry. However, we have consulted with legal counsel, and at the advice of our legal counsel, we are not accepting registrations from LMTs at this time. If regulation of the LMT profession changes, we will revisit this policy with our legal counsel and amend our attendance policies accordingly.

Choosing a Course

How do I determine which course I should take?

The best way to determine which course to take is to review the Course Overview and Objectives on each individual course page and ask yourself what your treatment goals (in both the long and short term) are. What patient population are you targeting? All courses list the learning objectives, which will give you a lot of information about what you'll be learning at a given course.


Also, review the prerequisites listed on the course page. Some courses are part of a series and it is not recommended that they be taken out of order (see above regarding info on prerequisites). On the Continuing Education Courses mainpage, you can click the Experience Level tab to see courses organized by level of difficulty.


If you would like additional guidance on which course offering best fits your goals and target patient population, please contact us! We are here to guide you into an event that best suits your needs.



I would like to take the Pelvic Floor series. How much time should I allow between each course?

It depends.

The goal of Herman & Wallace Institute courses is to teach skills that are immediately applicable to a clinical setting. An important part of learning this skill set and preparing for certification is taking time to apply what you learned with patients in a clinical setting.

Some participants, therefore, choose to leave several months between PF1 and their next course. Some, however, choose to condense their coursework over a shorter period of time. Much depends on the participants individual goals, availability and learning style.

I previously attended the Pregnancy and Postpartum course before the Pregnancy Series was created. Which course can/should I take?

Beginning in 2013, the Institute began offering three courses related to the pregnant and postpartum patient. These courses are:

Care of the Pregnant Patient
Care of the Postpartum Patient
Peripartum Special Topics

This continuing education series is designed as three separate two-day classes designed to give the learner a broad knowledge base of issues encountered in physical therapy during the pregnancy and postpartum periods. There is no prerequisite for any of the courses, however, it is recommended that the participant have experience and at least one course in pregnancy and post-partum issues prior to taking the “special topics” course.

If you previously attended the Pregnancy and Postpartum course, you may take either the PREG course or the POST course (as they both include new information) or you make take the Special Topics course.

Prerequisites and Required Readings

Can I get a replacement manual?

It depends on when your course was:

  • If you took a course prior to March 2020 then unfortunately we are unable to offer a replacement manual.
  • If you took a course after March 2020 then your manual lives indefinitely in Teachable, and we can send a PDF copy of the course manual to you for free upon request
  • For courses 2024 and after you can order a new manual at cost from Mimeo.

Where do I find my course manual?

Your course manual can be found in Teachable.

Do I need to buy "Gray's Anatomy for Students" if I have an alternative anatomy textbook?

If you would prefer to not purchase Gray's Anatomy for Students, please contact us and a member of our team will explain the options for waiving this requirement.

Where can I find information about Required Readings for a course in which I am interested?

You can find information about Required Readings on the "Description" tab of any course, under the Required Readings heading.

Where can I find information about Prerequisites for a course in which I am interested?

You can find information about Prerequisite requirements on the "Description" tab of any course, under the Prerequisite heading.

Which courses should I complete before taking the Pelvic Floor Series Capstone?

The Pelvic Floor Series Capstone is the advanced course of the Pelvic Floor series and is designed to build on the skills learned in Pelvic Floor Levels 1, 2A, and 2B The course assumes a working knowledge and anatomical understanding of material presented in Pelvic Floor Levels 1, 2A, and 2B, and it will build from that knowledge. Please take time to review those course manuals before attending.

Do I have to take Pelvic Floor Level 2A before Level 2B?

No. Pelvic Floor Level 2A and Pelvic Floor Level 2B can be taken in any order.


These two courses were once part of a single course, called PF2 that was broken into two parts to accommodate the amount of information presented. Participants may therefore taken these courses in either order.


Pelvic Floor Level 1 is a pre-requisite for both Levels 2A and 2B

Registering for a Course

Does the Institute allow last second registrations?

As time is needed to allow payments to fully process before the course, we are currently only able to process registrations until the end of office hours on the Thursday before any course date.

There are no events scheduled for the course I want to take. When will this course will be available?

We post course events as they are confirmed and on contract. If you do not see a confirmed date for a coure you've been wanting to take, we may be waiting for a contract to come back, or are actively seeking site hosts for a given offering. (Consider contacting us about hosting an event in your area!) We'd be happy to let you know the status of any events which are in the works but not yet posted on our site.


You may also want to sign up for our newsletter in order to receive our schedule announcements and updates.

How do I know how much a course costs?

Course prices are listed on several pages on our site. The Continuing Education Coures page lists all of our current course offerings. Click on any course to see course prices, along with schedule breakdown, objectives, pre-requisites and special considerations, and a list of all of the available scheduled events.


We offer discounts for a number of instances and scenarios, please feel free to contact us for info regarding available discounts.

I would like to save money on my hotel room by sharing a room with someone else in the course. How can I contact them?

Herman & Wallace provides a course roster to participants for this very purpose, although these rosters are not always distributed before participants have made hotel reservations. You can always contact the institute, and we can forward your inquiry about hotel sharing to the other course participants .

When I will receive my confirmation after registering?

Once you complete your course registration, you will receive your confirmation, sent to your registered email, within minutes. In keeping with our committment to being GREEN, no confirmation will be sent by via snail mail.

Do I need to call the Institute to double-check a course's availability?


If a course is full, you will not be able to register online. The registration link will be disabled and SOLD OUT will appear prominently next to the course title.

If the course is not listed as SOLD OUT on the website, there are still seats available.

How do I get information about hotel suggestions, driving directions, parking at the course, and other logistics?

This information will be in your confirmation letter. Once we process your registration, we will email you your confirmation letter (we will not send anything via snail mail). The letter will contain the exact start and stop times of the course, directions to the course site and all other pertinent travel and lodging information. Although we try and negotiate group discounts, arrange shuttles, or at least find hotels to reccommend for all our courses, please understand that this is not always possible. In the case that we are unable to make a hotel suggestion, we recommend using or a similar site. We are always happy to help you to the best of our ability

Does my registration fee cover travel and lodging?

It is up to participants to coordinate their own travel and lodging arrangements. For each coures, the Institue recommends one or several nearby hotels. When available we also negotiate group discounts at hotels and complimentary shuttle service from the hotel to the course. This information will be laid out in detail in your confirmation letter.

How do I know if the course is full?

If a course no longer has any open seats, the course's SOLD OUT status will be clearly displayed on the continuing education courses page. If there is no mention of a course being full, then the course is still open and seats are available.

Is there a waiting list for courses that are full?

Yes. It is not uncommon for participants to cancel their registrations due to sudden illness, family emergency, or other unseen life events. We are happy to keep your name on the wait list if the course is full, in the hopes that a space may become available.

Paying for a Registration

How can I pay for my course registration?

Registrations are first come, first served. There are three methods for registering for a H&W course:


1. The fastest and easiest way to complete the process is to register and pay online. We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover. All course-event pages have a big yellow Register button. Click this to begin your registration process and fill in your information.

2. Registrants may also call us at (646) 355-8777 and complete the registration process over the phone. Our offices are open Mon-Fri from 9 AM to 5 PM PST.

3. Registrants may also pay by check via mail. In order to register in this manner, registrants MUST contact us (via phone, email, or web submission form) and request an invoice for the course that they wish to attend. On the course-event page, under the Register button, there is a button to "Request Invoice for this Course". You MUST receive an invoice from us with a confirmation number on it in order to be ensured a seat in the course.


Checks sent to us without a corresponding invoice will be automatically deposited, but this deposit does NOT guarantee a registrant's seat in a course. For complete details on paying and registering, see our terms and conditions of attendance.

Checks for open invoices may be sent to the Institute should be addressed to:

Herman & Wallace
113 Cherry St #71393
Seattle, WA 98104


I need to pay by check in mail, how do I do this?

We accept mailed checks to pay for registrations for which the registrant has received an invoice. In order to register via mailed check, registrants MUST contact us (via phone, email, or web submission form) and request an invoice for the course that they wish to attend. On the course-event page, under the Register button, there is a button to "Request Invoice for this Course". You MUST receive an invoice from us with a confirmation number on it in order to be ensured a seat in the course.


Checks sent to us without a corresponding invoice will be automatically deposited, but this deposit does NOT guarantee a registrant's seat in a course. For complete details on paying and registering, see our terms and conditions of attendance.

Checks for open invoices may be sent to the Institute should be addressed to:

Herman & Wallace
113 Cherry St #71393
Seattle, WA 98104



What are the coupon terms & conditions

Limited Time coupons are occasionally offered and are only valid to use during the specified time period, from midnight to midnight PST, on the coupon or ad. Coupons do not work on registrations for the Pelvic Floor Series. Coupons cannot be transferred or applied to pre-existing registrations, pending registration, or post-registration.

For more information on this discount and the other discounts that we offer, visit our discounts page.

I've already paid for a course, can I still have my discount?

Unfortunately we are NOT able to offer "retroactive" discounts. If you are eligible for a discount, please contact us before you sign up!

Do we offer a Student Discount?


We extend a 10% discount off the registration for each course to students enrolled in a PT or OT program at an accredited institution. This discount applies only to non-licensed students who are working towards their PT license at the time of registration. This discount does not extend to doctoral students or other already-licensed therapists seeking additional degrees.


To get this discount when checking out online, use the code STUDENT2024 for courses scheduled for 2023. (Note, this code is only valid for non-licensed students. The H&W admin team will verify that registrants signed up with this code are, indeed, current students prior to their attendance of the course).


For more information, visit our discounts page.

Is there a discount for signing up for multiple courses at the same time?


For three or more courses, we can offer 10% off the regular price of registration.  However, this discount only applies to those that wish to pay for three or more courses at once. Registration and payment must be received at the same time in one check or one envelope with multiple checks.

If you would like to register for multiple courses for a discount, please contact us so that we may send you an invoice and detailed price breakdown.

For more information on this discount or other discounts that we offer, visit our discounts page.

I completed the JTA Survey, how do I get my $50 Discount?

First off, thanks for completing our survey! We were thrilled to see over 400 people respond. This data is crucial for our creation of our PTPC exam and we so appreciate your input!

If you would like to use your $50 discount for a product or course registration, please Contact Us and we'll take care of you.

You can also visit our discounts page for more information on the discounts we offer.

Do we offer a discount for a group of participants registering as a group?


We offer a 10% discount for three or more participants that register as a group. For six or more participants, Contact Us in order to be invoiced properly. We will ONLY extend this discount to registrations that are received at the same time. Select "Register as a Group" when completing your online registration. It is not possible to receive this discount if registrants send in their forms or online registrations at different times.

For more information on this discount and the other discounts that we offer, visit our discounts page.

Cancelations and Refunds

I registered for course A at full price, and I have credit with H&W from a previous cancelation of course B, but I forgot to ask that this credit be applied to my registration for course A, can HW refund me for the amount of my credit?

Unfortunately not. Your credit from course B will remain on your account, and will remain valid until it's expiration date according to our terms and conditions of attendance, but we cannot refund you the amount of your credit "as if" you had applied it toward your registration fee for course A. Our cancelation and transfer policies are some of the most lenient in the industry, and it takes significant registrant service resources to keep all of our cancelations and credits organized across the thousands of registrations we process each year. Offering refunds in this manner would negatively impact the quality and value of service we are presently able to provide.


If you have a credit with us, and you'd like to apply it towards a registration in an upcoming course, contact us prior to registering so we can create an customized invoice for the proper amount.

I have registered and paid for a course, but now I need to cancel, what are my options?

If you registered for the course less than 60 days ago AND the course is more than 30 days away, you can cancel your registration and receive a refund, less a $75 administrative fee, OR you can cancel your registration and transfer to another course at no financial penalty.

If you registered more than 60 days ago, OR the course is less than 30 days away, you are no longer eligible for a refund, but you can still transfer to another course or convert your registration fees to future-course credit at no financial penalty.

For detailed information on the cancelation and refund policy, see the relevant section of our terms and conditions of attendance.

Where can I find the terms and conditions of attendance?

Important information about participation, cancellations, refunds, transfers, continuing education relicensure requirements, and eligible attendees can be found here in our terms and condition of attendance.

What to Expect the Day of the Course

How do I get checked in at the course?

When you arrive at the course location (you can find the information on how to find the room in the Location/Lodging tab on the Course-Event page where you completed your registration and downloaded the prereadings), there will be a table to check in. Please sign the Sign In sheet, and grab a manual and a name tag. A representative at H&W will be checking the Sign In sheet against the roster to make sure everyone is there so they can alert the admin team if anyone is missing. Please be sure to sign in! 


We invite you to include your name as well as your preferred gender pronouns on your name tag. 

Why Include Gender Pronouns on My Name Tag? 

At H&W courses, we strive to provide an inclusive and supportive learning environment to all participants. We invite participants to list the gender pronouns by which they prefer to be addressed on their name tags.  

Often, people make assumptions about someone's gender based on that person’s appearance or name. These assumptions aren’t always correct. Additionally, the act of making an assumption sends the message that people have to look a certain way to demonstrate their gender. Using someone’s correct personal pronouns is a way to respect them and create an inclusive environment, just as using a person’s name can be a way to respect them. We invite you to help foster an environment of mutual respect by listing your pronoun on your name tag and observing the preferred pronouns of others. 

I have never taken a Herman & Wallace Pelvic Floor series course before. What can I expect in courses that include internal lab work?

Many H&W courses, including the Pelvic Floor Series, include hands-on lab work in which participants will be trained to perform pelvic floor muscle examinations. After an introduction to pelvic floor anatomy, the rationale, indications and contraindications of internal examination will be reviewed. Pelvic floor lab work includes external genitalia identification, palpation externally of pelvic floor muscles and surface anatomy, digital vaginal or rectal palpation of the pelvic floor muscles and pelvic floor muscle testing/pelvic prolapse evaluations.

Labs will take place in a large open room with an instructor to participant ratio of 1:10. During lab time, participants will be asked to work in pairs, taking turns acting as both "models" and evaluators. No one participant will be required to partner with any other one participant during labs. Privacy screens are not a part of lab room set up, and sheets are provided for privacy draping. Instructors and lab technicians will make their way around the room to offer guidance and answer any questions.

H&W welcomes all professionals who are appropriately licensed at our courses. Being born with a vagina is not a prerequisite for attending or participating fully in our courses which cover internal vaginal exam, nor is being born with male genitalia a prerequisite for attending a course which covers examination of those with male anatomy. H&W also recognizes and affirms trans and non-binary participants and strives to foster an inclusive environment which welcomes all appropriately licensed professionals.

Participants who are pregnant, have medical considerations or for any other reason choose not to participate in labs as a model are able to act as an observer in group of three participants. Those who opt out may not have the opportunity to complete all the lab activities, though they will be able to observe. (The lab time is allocated for groups of two so there may be little time for a third in the group to learn all the techniques instructed.)

How do I find the course location?

Check the Location/Lodging tab of the course page.


This tab contains information on:

  • The address, building, and room number of the course
  • The address of the recommended lodging
  • Directions from the recommended lodging to the course location
  • The nearest airport

Will I have to pay extra for my course manual?

Herman & Wallace provides the course manual digitally for all courses. If you wish to print the manual you will need to do so at your own cost.

What should I wear to the course?

Participants are encouarged to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes to our courses. For courses with internal lab work, a flowy skirt for women is recommended.

Bringing a Model

When is one required to bring a model to the course?

H&W welcomes all who are appropriately licensed to attend our courses. A model is not required in order to attend a H&W course or participate in lab time.


For those participants who are pregnant or have medical concerns regarding participating in internal labs, it is an option to bring a person to act as a model at the course. Models may only be present during lab time. If this is not an option, participants will have the option to work in groups of three during lab time.


Who is permitted to act as a model?

In the past, some registrants have inquired as to whether they may bring patients to act as models, particularly in the Male PF course. This practice, however, is not permissible. The liability insurance held by our instructors for these courses licenses them to teach, not treat during course times. It is, therefore, an uninsured liability to have patients act as models during course labs.

Additionally, if a therapist wishes to act as a model and wishes to be present in the course during non-lab times, the therapist must be a paying, registered participant. 

Will there be Male models for the labs in the Male Pelvic Floor course?

At this time, we do not have male models during labs in this course. In previous classes we have been fortunate to have male participants who have been gracious models, though this is at the discretion of the male participant and is by no means a certainty. The course also includes video footage of assessment and treatment of the male patient. Female participants to this course are welcome to bring a partner or other male during lab times if they are interested - provided that this individual is not a patient.

Hosting a H&W Course

What are my options for hosting a course?

There are two ways to host a Herman & Wallace course at your facility.


The first is doing a public satellite lab group. Satellite groups are arranged with Herman & Wallace, and are available for public registration on our website. We will arrange for lab assistants to be on-site guiding the hands-on learning, and we will ship disposable lab supplies such as Chuck's, gloves, lubricant, etc. Satellite groups also get at least one complimentary registration in the course as compensation for hosting with us. If you can fit 20+ participants in your space (and have enough treatment tables, chairs, and linens to support that number) we offer two complimentary registrations. 




The second option is to organize a self-hosted satellite lab group. Self-hosted groups join whatever course they are interested in from any location where they can conveniently gather. Herman & Wallace does not arrange this location, and there are no publicly available seats sold. It is a good option for private groups who don't want outside clinicians to join, and it is sometimes the best option for people in remote areas where there are only a couple of clinicians interested in attending a course. Self-hosted groups do not get the benefit of a Herman & Wallace trained lab assistant, and need to provide their own lab supplies. Please note that self-hosting is not available for Pelvic Floor Level 1.


Those interested in hosting private or public events should Contact Us through the Host a Course page.

When should I contact the Institute with my interest in hosting?

To organize a public satellite lab group, please contact us at least three months before the date you would like to host. We will discuss what is required to host a course, the best practices to do so, and will require a contract in order to organize the event. In order for a satellite location to be successful, our team needs time to organize lab assistants, shipments for lab supplies, and to coordinate other logistical considerations, so hosting requests should be submitted at least three months in advance.


Because self-hosted groups are organized independently, they are welcome to register for events on much shorter notice.

What perks are there for site hosts?

We offer free spots to therapists on site in exchange for hosting a public satellite lab group.Opportunities to lab assist are also available to more experienced therapists at host sites, and a group discounts for additional participants from onsite.

Lab Assisting

Are self-hosted groups allowed to have a lab assistant / teaching assistant?

Self-Hosted groups are able to have a qualified pelvic practitioner act as a lab assistant or mentor. The self-hosted groups that want to have a lab assistant present must contact the admin team at H&W to verify that the individual is eligible. All lab assistants for self-hosted groups are on a volunteer basis only and do not receive compensation from H&W.

  • To have completed the course in question with Herman & Wallace.
  • Be an experienced pelvic therapist, comfortable with the skills needed for the course labs (external and internal examinations)
  • Have empathy to support your peers as they learn new skills and participate in lab work that can be sensitive and triggering.

If these requirements are met then please let me know their name and email so I can verify eligibility. Once they are verified, I can add them to your registration and provide any lab assistant materials for their reference. The materials vary from course to course but generally include the live course manual, lab guides, and self-hosted guidelines.

What does it mean to act as a lab technician/ teaching assistant at courses?

Many of the courses offered by Herman & Wallace include hands-on learning, called labs. At lab courses, we require experienced therapists to assist the instructor in guiding participants through the hands-on component, called lab technicians. Lab technicians are compensated for their time with course credit, earn CEUs, and have previously completed education in order to be qualified to assist others in learning new skills. 

We use a third party website in order to track applications to assist at our courses. In order to get started with an application, please begin the process here

I would like to be a lab technician at a course, whom do I contact?

We are always looking for experienced therapists to assist our primary instructors at our courses, which is a great opportunity to earn CEUs, course credit, and knowledge and skills. Acting as a lab tech is also an excellent way for those interested in teaching someday to gain experience. 

We use a third party website in order to track applications to assist at our courses. If you would like to apply to become an assistant, please begin an application here

Can I act as a lab technician in order to take a course I have not previously completed?

Generally, no. Lab technicians are experiened therapists who assist the instructor in guiding participants through labs as they learn techniques and concepts for the first time. We are not seeking lab techs who are inexperienced and for whom the concepts will be new, as they will not be able to assist the instructors in this manner.

What is a Lead Teaching Assistant?

We deeply appreciate everyone who assists with our courses. Lead Teaching Assistants are those who go above and beyond by committing to volunteer for a certain number of courses per year, earn consistently high reviews on course evaluations, and meet minimum qualifications to assist at all courses.

Senior Level Teaching Assistants:

  1. Meet the qualifications to assist at all four levels of the Pelvic Floor Series (completed PF1, 2A, 2B and Capstone courses)
  2. Commit to assisting at least four courses per year without cancelling any assisting engagement
  3. Have previously assisted at at least five course events and received positive reviews from course participants

I want to join the Institute teaching faculty someday. Should I lab assist to get experience?

Yes! Acting as a lab technician is one component of the requirements to join the H&W faculty. In order to apply to join the faculty, the applicant must have acted as a lab tech at a minimum of two courses per year for the last two years. H&W will check our records to verify the applicant received majority positive eval scores from participants and favorable reviews from instructing faculty.

In addition, applicant’s CV must demonstrate that the applicant possess:
  • An active Physical Therapy license
  • 5+ years experience providing direct pelvic patient care, and a minimum of 2,000 hours total spent providing direct pelvic patient care. Pelvic patient care includes hours spent on direct patient care related to conditions of pelvic pain, pelvic girdle dysfunction, conditions of bowel, bladder, and sexual dysfunction that relate, in whole or in part, to the health and function of pelvic structures and the pelvic floor. Other conditions that qualify as direct pelvic patient care may include dysfunctions of the abdomen, thoracolumbar spine, or the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. These hours can include care for pediatric, adolescent, adult, and aged patients of any gender.
  • An active PRPC (Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certification) or plans to obtain PRPC within one year of applying. H&W may also consider the WCS (Women’s Health Clinical Specialty) as evidence of commitment to excellence in this field. Therapists who wish to apply but have not earned either the PRPC or WCS certifications must have 10+ years experience providing direct pelvic patient care.
  • Completion of the entire Pelvic Floor series (Level 1, 2A, 2B and Capstone), or completion of PF1, 2A, 2B and PF3 if completed prior to 2016 or PF1, PF2, and PF3 if completed prior to 2008.


When does credit earned by serving as lab technician expire?

Credit earned by serving as a lab technician at a Herman & Wallace course is valid for 2 years from the date it was earned. The date the credit was earned is day after the final date of the course at which the person served as a lab technician.

If a lab technician wishes to use this credit to register for a future course, that future course must be scheduled prior to the expiration date in a course happening before, or within 6 months of the credit expiration date. If a lab technician wishes to use this credit for downloadable products or job board posts, those purchases must be made within 2 years of earning the credit. If a technician wishes to use this credit for a PRPC application fee or exam administration fee, the lab technician must submit this PRPC application within 2 years of having earned the credit.

Online Courses

How does an online course work?

Herman & Wallace partners with Medbridge Education to host our online course content. You can either pay for each individual course or take out an annual subscription to Medbridge's entire course library! If you are interested in an annual subscription, Contact Us about possible discounts.

To learn more about how Medbridge Online Courses work, click here.

How long will I have access to the course after purchase?

After you purchase an online course, you will be able to access it for one year.

Are the courses approved in my state?

Our partner in producing online courses, Medbridge, strives to gain approval for courses in all states.

To check the status of approval for a specific course, please preview the course of interest in the course list. Once you have selected the course to view more details, you will find a “State Approval” map at the bottom of the page. You may then view a list of approved states and download the approval statements for that particular course.

Approvals vary by course, but all courses are currently accepted or are pending approval in the following states:

Alaska (AK), Arizona (AZ), California (CA), Colorado (CO), Connecticut (CT), District of Columbia (DC), Delaware (DE), Georgia (GA), Hawaii (HI), Idaho (ID), Indiana (IN), Iowa (IA), Maine (ME), Massachusetts (MA), Michigan (MI), Missouri (MO), Mississippi (MS), Montana (MT), North Carolina (NC), North Dakota (ND), Nebraska (NE), New Hampshire (NH), Oklahoma (OK), Oregon (OR), Pennsylvania (PA), Rhode Island (RI), South Carolina (SC), South Dakota (SD), Utah (UT), Vermont (VT), Washington (WA), Wisconsin (WI), Wyoming (WY), Virginia (VA)

State approval information for each online course is displayed on course page on Medbridge's website.

When do I get my course certificate?

You will receive your certificate upon the completion of your course. Once you complete the full course, you will be requested to fill out a short feedback form. You will then be able to download and save or print your certificate.

Do I have to take the course in one sitting?

No, you may take the course at your own pace. The modular format allows you to easily watch a 30 minute video and complete a module, so you can easily watch a module when you have a spare minute, such as on your lunch break. When you pause your course, our system will save where you left off. You may continue the course from that point the next time you login.

Do I need to watch the courses at a particular time?

No, you do not need to be online at a particular time to watch your online course. When you purchase a course, it will be available in your account for 90 days. You may login to the website at any time to take the course.


What is teachable?

Teachable is the platform we have selected to transition some of our curriculum to a remote delivery model. With the outbreak of COVID-19, we are creating new methods to educate our registrants. Registrants in a remote, or  hybrid, course will use teachable to:

  • Watch recorded video - learn terminology and foundational concepts prior to the live component of your course
  • Download course manuals and handouts - the same content we print in our manuals at in-person courses
  • Access information on joining a remote course via Zoom - live real-time lectures from our expert faculty, from the safety of your home
  • Submit a post-test - assess your learning
  • Complete a course evaluation - let us know what you thought of the course
  • Download a course certificate - Track your continuing education hours

Do I need to create a teachable account before I register for a given course?

No, you will not need a teachable account to register for any of our courses.

How do I log into Teachable?

If you already have a myteachable account (if for example, you have already taken a course hosted on teachable at another "school"), you have the option of using your existing myteachable account to access Herman & Wallace on teachable (recommended) or creating another account on teachable with a different email address specifically to access Herman & Wallace courses on teachable (not recommended if you already have a myteachable account). Those with an existing teachable account should log in to Herman & Wallace's teachable school here.


If you do not yet have a myteachable account, you can create an account on Herman & Wallace's teachable school here, and you can elect whether or not you wish to designate this new account as a myteachable account. This is totally optional, but it is free and allows you to track all of your progress across multiple teachable schools in one place.


Those with a Herman & Wallace teachable account, but not a myteachable account, may login here

What should I do if I have log in trouble?

1. Ensure you are using the correct email address

If you receive an “invalid email or password” error message when attempting to log in, ensure you are using the correct email address. This is the email address at which you were first invited to teachable (unless you elected to change your email address after having created your account). We typically send out initial teachable invitations to the email address registrants used while registering for the course in question.


2. Try an Alternative Email Address

Check your email inboxes for sign up confirmations or purchase receipts to help determine which email address is associated with your account.


3. Check for Multiple Accounts

Sometimes, students are not aware that they have created multiple accounts in a school, using different email addresses. If you are able to successfully log in but are unable to locate or access your course, then you may have multiple accounts in the school. Since you’ll only be able to access your course by logging into the account that was used to purchase or enroll in the course, ensure that you are logging into the correct account. If you’re unsure if you’ve created multiple accounts, contact us.


4. Reset Your Password

You may be experiencing login issues due to an outdated or invalid password, in which case you may wish to reset your password entirely. To reset your password, complete the following steps:

**In the login screen, click Forgot Password?

**Enter your email address into the Email Address field and then click Send Me Instructions.

**If you have an account in the school, then you’ll receive a notification indicating that reset instructions have been sent to the email address you specified:

**Be sure to check your spam or promotions folders if you do not see the reset password email in your inbox.

**If you do not have an account in the school associated with that email address, then you’ll receive an error message that indicates that your email address is not associated with an account in the school.

**If you do not have an account in this school, this indicates that you used another email address to register for the school. If you believe this to be an error, please contact the school owner directly.


5. Try an Alternative Browser or Device

We recommend using the most up-to-date versions of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to log in and access your course. If you are using an alternative browser, try logging in to your course using one of these recommended browsers.

If you are still unable to log in, try using a different device. For example, if you are using a mobile device (e.g. iPhone, iPad, tablet, etc.), try switching to a desktop computer or laptop.


6. Clear Your Cache

Many login issues are browser-related, which is why we recommend that you clear your browser’s cache if you experience issues logging in to your course. When you browse websites online, web browsers store, or “cache,” website data (like images and scripts) as a way to improve your experience. Clearing your web browser’s cache removes these stored assets, and this may help resolve issues with logging in to your course.


7. Contact Us

If you're still unable to log in or access your course, please contact us. The team at Herman & Wallace can check the status of your account, including enrollments and purchases.

When will I get access to the video lectures, manual files, and other materials I need to view or complete prior to the live component of the course?

For courses with a lot of video lectures (8+ hours), we aim to give registrants access to that content in teachable approximately 14 days before the start of the in-person component of the course. For courses with less than 2 hours of video lecture, we aim to have that content available in teachable 4 days prior to the start of the 

Why can't I have access to my course in teachable sooner? I am already registered, and I would like to get started learning!

We love the enthusiasm! Our faculty members and curriculum development team have decided that we value the recency of having our registrant view any recorded lectures within the immediate days leading up to the live component of any course (be it remote or in-person). We don't want folks watching videos lecture in June, and taking the in-person component of the course in September. For courses with many hours (7+) of video lecture content, we determined that enrolling students in the teachable course 14 days prior to the start of any live course struck an appropriate balance between our goal of recency at Herman & Wallace, and giving registrants enough time and flexibility

How do I navigate through my course in Teachable?

After you log in to Teachable, click on the course you wish to access.

The next step is getting started with the viewing and completing sections of content. You have 2 different ways to get your course work started.

1. Click “Start next section”  

2. Click the “Start” button

Once you finish your first section, you will need to click on the box at the top of the scree that say “Click here to mark this section as “complete” and proceed to the next section”.

If you would like to go back and re-view the previous section, please click the “Previous Lecture” button at the top of the page.

You will always need to finish and mark as complete the section before moving onto the next section. This is required in order to proceed to the next section.

If your course involves a Zoom meeting, you will not be able to access the Zoom URLS (which you need to join the meeting) until you have competed 100% of the prior sections. If you need to view 4 hours of lecture prior to your Zoom meeting, and you Zoom meeting starts in 2 hours from now, you will not be able to access those URLs. Make sure you finish all required video lectures and readings before the scheduled start time of your Zoom sessions.

After you work your way through the entire course, you will be directed to take a post-test and a course evaluation. Once both of those are complete, your course certificate will become available for download. At this point you are 100% done with the course!!! Feel free to download and save your course certificate for printing. You download the course certificate by pressing the gray download link below your certificate.

Additional Resources if you have further questions:

Teachable resource on navigating and viewing course content

I am getting a "Section Content Locked" message when I attempt to view a Teachable section, how can I "unlock" this content?

You are getting this message because you have not "marked as complete" 100% of the sections prior to the section you are attempting to access. You need to "mark as complete" each previous section prior to moving on to the next lecture. For sections containing video lecture, you need to view over 90% of each video.

Because you are earning continuing education credit for taking this course, including video lectures on teachable, we are requiring that video lecture be viewed in their entirety prior to moving on to the next section. Without this requirement, we would have no way of verifying that our registrant did indeed view a whole lecture, and the video lectures would become functionally optional, which is not our goal.

How do I know if I have marked a Teachable section as complete?

Once you have marked a section as complete, a small check icon will appear to the left of the section title on the curriculum navigation screen of the course.


If you see a semi-circle next to a section title on the curriculum navigation screen, that means you have viewed and/or partially completed the section, but not marked it as complete. Remember, you need to mark every section as complete in order to view the subsequent sections.

Can I download content from teachable?

We typically provide manual files for download via teachable. These comprise of pdfs of documents, powerpoint slides, and other "printed" media files. Often, these files are the same as what we would have printed and distributed at an in-person version of the course.


We do not allow lecture video to be downloaded from teachable at this time.


How do I get my CEU Certificate?

After you marked as complete 100% of the lectures in your course, including "marking as complete" the course evaluation, you can access your certificate of completion. 

Once you mark 100% of the lectures as complete, your course certificate will appear. Under your course certificate is a "Download" button, press this button and you can download your course certificate and save it to your computer, and print it if you wish.

If you need to access your course certificate again after you exit out of the course. Just log back into your teachable account, click on the desired course, go to course curriculum in the sidebar, click on the Evaluation (note. You do not need to fill it out again) Simply press complete and continue again and your course certificate will automatically pop up for you. 

How can I get my CEU Certificate after I have completed my course, but I logged out of teachable without downloading it?

  1. Log into your Teachable account at,
  2. Click on the course for which you need the certificate.
  3. Make sure you have marked each section of your course as complete or you will not have access to your certificate. 
  4. Click on “Certificate” in the left-hand navigation menu.
  5. Your certificate will pop up and at this point you are free to download or print it.

Remote Courses

Are Remote Courses recorded? Can I watch them later?

Our remote courses are offered by a live instructor teaching on Zoom in real time, which means they have a specific start and end time. Unfortunately, we are not able to distribute recordings of these courses, as we do not have permission to distribute the recorded likeness or voice of our participants without their consent. If you are looking for a course that is pre-produced and designed to be taken at your own pace, we recommend taking an Online course, which we produce in partnership with Medbridge.

What is the difference between a "Remote" and an "Online" course?

While we observe social distancing, H&W is running a number of our courses remotely via Zoom meeting. These courses are offered live, with the instructor lecturing, demonstrating, and answering questions via Zoom. With the exception of providing hands-on lab time, these remote courses very much seek to mimmic the experience of attending a course in-person. Some remote courses have prerecorded componenets, but the majority of the contact hours are live and interactive. This is why the courses take place during a specific time and date, and have limited seats (so that the instructor may field all questions.) You can see our remote course offerings here: Remote Continuing Education courses.

Additionally, H&W has worked with Medbridge Education to offer a number of online courses which are prerecorded. These courses include static learning modules with high quality anatomical graphics. They are not moderated by a live instructor who is teaching "in real time". You can view a list of our online offerings here: Online Continuing Education courses.

How do I register for a Remote Course?

Registration for remote courses is just like signing up for an in-person course through H&W. Click the specific event date you wish to attend and register using the yellow Register button. Once your registration and payment is complete, you will receive a confirmation email with a confirmation number.

You will need to download the free version of Zoom to join the meeting. You can do so here.

Four days before the course, you will receive a welcome email from our team which includes links to any prerecroded lectures which need to be watched prior to the meeting, as well as digital versions of the manual files, and the log in information for the Zoom meetings. If the course is mutliple days, there will be a sepearate link for each day of the course.

Do I need a paid version of Zoom to join a Remote Course?

No. Only the free version of Zoom is required to participate. The instructor has a paid account which will allow then to host a longer meeting, so only the free version is required. Zoom can be downloaded here.

Day of my Remote Course - What do I expect?

Remote courses will start at the published start time. Just like when you attend an in person course, where you'll want to be in your seat with you manual open when the instructor starts lecturing, you'll want to plan on logging in about 15 minutes before the start time, so you have time to get settled and troubleshoot any last minute issues. Be sure to download and test Zoom in the days before the course, and reach out to the H&W team if you have any issues. You can view a helpful Tutorial on Joining a Zoom Meeting here. It will be imperative that your microphone work so that you may ask questions. It is not imperative that your camera that shows you works; though we would love to see you, not being able to do so will not impact your ability to fully participate.

We recommend having a pen and notepad available for note-taking during the course. 

During the meeting, participants should mute themselves so the rest of the participants do not hear background noise picked up by your computer mic. You can unmute yourself in order to ask questions. 

Is my Remote Course approved for CEUs?

CEU approval for remote courses varies slightly from in-person courses. More information on CEU approval for remote courses can be found here.

Will I receive a manual for a Remote Course?

Yes, all remote courses (short and long format) will include manual files, which will be sent you four days prior to the course start.

Will I receive a CEU certificate for a Remote Course?

Yes. At the end of the course, you will be sent a link to complete an online post-test and course evaluation. Once those are completed you will immediately be redirected to a downloadable copy of your certifiate for CEUs.

What are the Terms and Conditions of Registering for a Remote Course?

Remote courses have slighyl altered Terms and Conditions than in person courses, which can be reviewed here.

What happens if I am kicked out of the meeting or my internet connection fails?

If you are kicked out of the meeting, you can use the same link to reopen Zoom. If for some reason your internet fails and you cannot rejoin the meeting for a longer period of time, do not panic. Contact us and we will arrange for you to audit the lectures you missed during the next offering of the course.

Continuing Education Requirements

Can I request that Herman & Wallace submit an application to have a course approved by my state licensing agency?

You can request that Herman & Wallace submit such an application by contacting us.


If Herman & Wallace elects to not subimt such an application, you can apply directly to your state licensing entity individually, and Herman & Wallace will reimburse you for the expense of doing so, according to the details set out in our Terms and Conditions of Attendance.

Why is Herman & Wallace not submitting an application to have a course I am attending approved by my state licensing entity?

If Herman & Wallace had a policy of submitting an application for every course to the licensing entity of every registrant in each course, we would have to significantly scale back the number of courses that we can sponsor and the level of service that we can provide our registrants. We sponsor over 150 events per year, many of which are attended by over 35 registrants. Guaranteeing that Herman & Wallace will submit an application to have all courses approved by the licensing entity of every registrant in a given course would take too many resources away from other aspects of providing service and value to our registrants.

Some states require applications be submitted 21 or 30 days before the start of a course in order to be considered. So if a registrant from a state with such a requirement registered for a course less than 21 days before the start of the course, there is no way we could stand behind a guarantee that we could submit an application to that state's licensing entity and that application would be approved in time.

Furthermore, we have learned that many of our registrant attend 300%-400% of the minimum number of hours continuing education required by their state. Many of these registrant do not care if we apply to have a course approved. If we had a policy of submitting an application to have all courses approved by the licensing entity of every registrant in a given course, and someone who was already completed the minimum number of hours required by their state registered for this course, and this person was the only registrant from their state in this course, then Herman & Wallace would be bound to submit an application that no one requested or valued. Such applications would represent an increase in the cost of course sponsorship, which will ultimately increase the price of all services and products that we offer, which is against the best interest of our registrants.

We have a very comprehensive policy of when we will submit an application to have a course approved, AND if we are not applying to have a course approved that you are attending, we will almost always reimburse yor for the cost of applying individually. See our terms and conditions related to continuing education approval for exact details on this matter.

What happens if Herman & Wallace denies my request to submit an application?

There are a couple of reasons that we do not guarantee that we will submit such an application upon request:

1. Often potential registrants will tell us that they will not register for a course unless we submit an application to their state licensing entity. We go through the effort to submit such an application, and then the potential registrant who made the request that we submit an application ends up not attending the course in question. If no other registrants from this person's state are attending the course, then Herman & Wallace has just spent a good deal of time and resources on an application that no one cares about. Wasting such time and resources drives up the cost of other products and services, which ultimately punishes our registrants.

2. Most states that have a process wherein individual licensees can apply to have a course approved by the state licensing entity charge individual licensees significantly less than they charge course sponsors to submit an application. When there are only one or two registrants from a given state attending a given course, it makes financial sense for the licensee to apply on individually and then for Herman & Wallace to reimburse the licesee for the cost of the application. If Herman & Wallace had a policy of guaranteeing that we would submit an application for a given course to the licensing entity of every registrant in that given course, our costs of sponsoring each event would dramatically increase. Such increased costs will ultimately increase the price of all services and products that we offer, which is against the best interest of our registrants.

I need some documents to submit an application to have a course approved in my state. Who should I contact

Herman & Wallace will send you any and all information that you require to submit such an application. Please send requests at least 7 business days before your plan to submit your application. Herman & Wallace will send you this information in a timely manner, so that you can submit this application before any deadlines imposed upon you.


Contact Us to request any such information.

I attended a course which was not approved by my state licensing entity, and now the deadline to get the course approved has passed, what can I do?

According to Herman & Wallace Terms and Conditions of Attendance, "It is the responsibility of each registrant to know the laws and regulations of the state in which they are licensed." Herman & Wallace is not responsible for informing you about the laws and deadlines related to continuing education course approval in your state. As detailed in the Terms and Conditions of Attendance, you can either requiest to have such courses approved, or you can submit an individual application for which Herman & Wallace will reimburse you.


If you attended a Herman & Wallace course outside of the state in which you are licensed to practice, and this course was not approved by your state licensing entity, and the deadline has passed for you to submit an application for approval, it is unlikely that your state licensing entity will count the time that you spent in this given Herman & Wallace course toward your continuing education re-licensure requirements. Most states have a process wherein you can request a waiver from the continuing education requirement for re-licensure, but the instances in which a licensing entity will grant such a waiver vary greatly from state to state.


To avoid this situation, familiarize yourself with the laws of the state in which you practice, and be sure to meet all deadlines set forth in such laws.

PRPC Eligibility

Do I need to take any particular courses to be eligible for this certification?

There is no required coursework one must complete in order to sit for the PRPC exam. Those therapists who possess the required clinical experience who apply for and successfully pass the exam will be awarded PRPC. Most therapists complete pelvic rehab coursework and then use those skills in the clinic for years prior to pursuing certification.

It is recommended that therapists considering applying for the PRPC review the List of Knowledge and Skill Statements covered on the exam and assess their comfort level with those topics. Advanced coursework may be useful in filling any knowledge gaps that exist.

The List of Knowledge and Skill Statements is available upon request from the HW Admin Team.

Can I earn PRPC if I don’t live in the USA?

If you want to sit for the PRPC examination and aren’t a resident of the United States, you are still encouraged to apply. International applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. There are Kryterion testing centers in most countries around the world.

Am I eligible to sit for the exam?

In order to take the Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certification exam, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  1. Provide documentation of 2,000 documented hours of clinical experience with pelvic therapy patients over the past 8 years, with 500 of those hours of direct patient care taking place in the past 2 years. For purposes of this application, pelvic patient care includes hours spent on direct patient care related to conditions of pelvic pain, pelvic girdle dysfunction, conditions of bowel, bladder, and sexual dysfunction that relate, in whole or in part, to the health and function of pelvic structures and the pelvic floor. Other conditions that qualify as direct pelvic patient care may include dysfunctions of the abdomen, thoracolumbar spine, or the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. These hours can include care for pediatric, adolescent, adult, and aged patients of any gender.


    b. Must be licensed as a Physical Therapist (PT), Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA), Physician (MD), Registered Nurse (RN), Occupational Therapist (OT), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Doctor of Chiropractic medicine (DC), Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), or Physician’s Assistant (PA-C) with an active state-board license to practice.  If an individual wishes to sit for the exam who does not have one of these licenses, they can apply to sit for the exam and eligibility will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

In the case that a clinician wishes to sit for the exam but is not licensed in one of the above professions or lives/practices outside of the United States of America, they should submit the Request Consideration of Application Form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. HW will evaluate requests from clinicians not licensed in one of the above professions and international applications on a case-by-case basis.

What do I need to do to earn the certification PRPC?

In order to earn PRPC, an applicant must:

  1. Meet eligibility requirements as defined in the application
  2. Submit a complete application and application review fee by the required date
  3. Applicants whose applications are approved must submit the examination fee by the required date
  4. Applicant must sit for, and receive a passing score on, the computer-based, multiple choice exam

Does H&W accommodate test takers with disabilities?

H&W complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will work with its testing partners to provide reasonable accommodations for those who have disabilities and request accommodations. Requests for examination accommodations arrangements must meet all the following requirements:

To Request Special Accommodations for the PRPC Exam
· Download and complete the PRPC Special Accommodation Request Form
· Upload the completed form when submitting one's application
· Request form must contain appropriate documentation of the disability
· Request form must detail a request(s) for test accommodations.

Submit a letter of verification authored by a licensed physician/professional specializing in the disability at hand
· Letter must contain the credentials of the physician/professional authoring the letter
· Letter must contain the signature of the physician/professional authoring the letter

Applicants will be notified of the decision regarding the request and the accommodation that will be provided.

What qualifies are Direct Pelvic Patient Care?

To be eligible to sit for the exam, all applicants must have completed 2000 hours of direct pelvic patient care in the past 8 years, 500 of which must have been completed in the last 2 years. Patient care hours can only be earned by a licensed clinician, and hours spent with patients prior to licensure do not satisfy this requirement.

Definition of Pelvic Patient Care

While there is no comprehensive list of activities that encompass "direct patient care," a general guideline is that direct patient care includes any time spent by a clinician that has a direct influence on the care of a specific individual patient. This time may be paid, or provided at no cost. Time spent on the examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, or intervention of an individual qualifies as direct patient care, as well as other activities.

For purposes of the PRPC application, pelvic patient care can include hours spent on direct patient care related to conditions of pelvic pain, pelvic girdle dysfunction, conditions of bowel, bladder, and sexual dysfunction that relate, in whole or in part, to the health and function of pelvic structures and the pelvic floor. Other conditions that qualify as direct pelvic patient care may include dysfunctions of the abdomen, thoracolumbar spine, or the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. These hours can include care for pediatric, adolescent, adult, and aged patients of any gender.

PRPC Application

How do I submit my hours of Direct Pelvic Patient Care?

The PRPC application includes a Direct Pelvic Patient Hour Verification Worksheet.

No other documentation is required other than the completed worksheet unless the application is randomly chosen for audit.

What is the application cancellation policy?

If after submitting the PRPC Application and the PRPC Administration Fees, an applicant wishes, for any reason, not to sit for the next exam administration, the applicant may request a refund of their examination fee by both:

Contacting HW via email or web form submission. For HW to honor such a request, the request must be received more than 72 business hours from the applicant’s scheduled exam appointment date and time
Calling Kryterion HOST Location Test Taker Scheduling Support at 1-800-403-6199 or 1- 602-659-4708. The call must be made more than 72 business hours from the applicant’s scheduled exam appointment date and time

If the applicant has yet to schedule a testing date, the cancellation request must be received within 10 days of the final day of the testing window.

Upon receipt of the email or web form submission notification to cancel an examination administration, and so long as that notification is received by the aforementioned deadlines, the applicant will forfeit the PRPC Application Fee AND may select one of the following options:

They may instruct HW to “convert” the PRPC Exam Fee (for example $1,1000 from the Standard PRPC Administration Fee for applicants having completed one or more HW continuing education courses) to credit to be used toward HW Continuing Education courses or Downloadable Products. This credit cannot be used towards online courses offered through MedBridge Education, Inc. or for an annual subscription to MedBridge Education. Should the applicant fail to use their credit toward an HW course within 24 months, HW will absorb the credit, no refund will be offered, and the applicant may no longer apply it toward any HW goods or services.
They may instruct HW to keep the PRPC Exam Fee (for example $1,1000 from the Standard PRPC Administration Fee for applicants having completed one or more HW continuing education courses) and use it toward the PRPC Administration Fees in a later exam administration. Applicants who select this option must submit a new application to sit for the exam in the year following the year they submitted an application without acceptable proof of minimum eligibility requirements. Should the applicant fail to use their credit toward an HW course within 24 months, HW will absorb the credit, no refund will be offered, and the applicant may no longer apply it toward any HW goods or services.
They may request a refund of the balance of the PRPC Exam Fee (for example $1,1000 from the Standard PRPC Administration Fee for applicants having completed one or more HW continuing education courses). Refunds from credit card payments within three months of payment can be made directly to the card. Refunds for check payments or payments over three months in the past will be made in the form of a physical check mailed to the applicant. If for any reason a refund is not able to be processed to the applicant’s original credit card, HW reserves the right to process the refund as a physical check.

Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certification Exam

Is the PRPC Exam "board-certified"?

The PRPC examination was developed by psychometrically-valid, legally-defensible processes. This includes the creation of a Job Task Analysis survey by a group of Subject Matter Experts, administering the survey to a large sample of practicing therapists in the field, psychometric analysis of the data to create a test blueprint based upon the knowledge and skills determined by the survey, item writing, beta testing of items and then administration of the exam. For this process, H&W worked with Kryterion, a psychometric certification development company, to ensure the highest standards of credentialing were being met.

It is a common misconception that board certifications created by the ABPTS (OCS, WCS, etc) are "approved" or "validated" by the American Physical Therapy Association. This is not the case. The specialization certifications developed by the ABPTS were developed by the same psychometrically-valid and legally-defensible methods for establishing the minimally-competent practitioner that Herman & Wallace used for the PRPC exam. The APTA is not a credentialing body; it does not validate, create nor approve certification exams.

There are a number of bodies which do accredit certifications, however, including The Institute for Credentialing Excellence ( PRPC, and other exams created using the steps described above, would be eligible for accreditation through this body, based on the rigorous psychometric standards applied when creating the exam, as would other certifications created via this long and detailed method.

The validity of the board certifications offered by the ABPTS derives from the psychometric process by which the exams were created, as does the validity of PRPC.

How are study groups formed?

We accept PRPC applications year-round, and as those applications come in, applicants who express interest in joining a study group will be placed in a group with others who have applied around the same time in order to best coordinate study plans.

If you prefer to begin reviewing early, we encourage you to apply early in order to be placed in a group!

What is the examination cancellation policy?

If after submitting the PRPC Application and the PRPC Administration Fees, an applicant wishes, for any reason, not to sit for the next exam administration, the applicant may request a refund of their examination fee by both:

Contacting HW via email or web form submission. For HW to honor such a request, the request must be received more than 72 business hours from the applicant’s scheduled exam appointment date and time
Calling Kryterion HOST Location Test Taker Scheduling Support at 1-800-403-6199 or 1- 602-659-4708. The call must be made more than 72 business hours from the applicant’s scheduled exam appointment date and time

If the applicant has yet to schedule a testing date, the cancellation request must be received within 10 days of the final day of the testing window.

Upon receipt of the email or web form submission notification to cancel an examination administration, and so long as that notification is received by the aforementioned deadlines, the applicant will forfeit the PRPC Application Fee AND may select one of the following options:

They may instruct HW to “convert” the PRPC Exam Fee (for example $1,1000 from the Standard PRPC Administration Fee for applicants having completed one or more HW continuing education courses) to credit to be used toward HW Continuing Education courses or Downloadable Products. This credit cannot be used towards online courses offered through MedBridge Education, Inc. or for an annual subscription to MedBridge Education. Should the applicant fail to use their credit toward an HW course within 24 months, HW will absorb the credit, no refund will be offered, and the applicant may no longer apply it toward any HW goods or services.
They may instruct HW to keep the PRPC Exam Fee (for example $1,1000 from the Standard PRPC Administration Fee for applicants having completed one or more HW continuing education courses) and use it toward the PRPC Administration Fees in a later exam administration. Applicants who select this option must submit a new application to sit for the exam in the year following the year they submitted an application without acceptable proof of minimum eligibility requirements. Should the applicant fail to use their credit toward an HW course within 24 months, HW will absorb the credit, no refund will be offered, and the applicant may no longer apply it toward any HW goods or services.
They may request a refund of the balance of the PRPC Exam Fee (for example $1,1000 from the Standard PRPC Administration Fee for applicants having completed one or more HW continuing education courses). Refunds from credit card payments within three months of payment can be made directly to the card. Refunds for check payments or payments over three months in the past will be made in the form of a physical check mailed to the applicant. If for any reason a refund is not able to be processed to the applicant’s original credit card, HW reserves the right to process the refund as a physical check.

What is the passing Score?

The passing score for the certification exam will not be released to the public. Final scores will also not be sent to practitioners who complete the exam. A passing scores means that the practitioner has met the standard to be recognized as a Certified Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner, and the total scores are not released so as to avoid any one individual being "more qualified" than others. Percentage scores will be sent out that break down how test takers perform in each "knowledge domain".

Where is the PRPC Exam offered?

The PRPC examination will be offered at all Kryterion Testing Host locations.

You can find the nearest Kryterion testing center to you by visiting this URL:

What can I use during the test?

Test takers are able to flag questions for review and go back to them during their exam session. The proctor is supposed to give them 3 pieces of paper and 2 pencils for use during the exam (they will be collected at the end of the exam). The test takers are also allowed to bring a battery operated calculator into the exam session (but nothing else).

If I take the exam and do not pass, may I retake the exam?

If an applicant sits for the exam and does not receive a passing score, the applicant must submit an application for re-examination to be eligible to sit for the next scheduled exam administration. Applications for re-examination are only eligible for the exam administration immediately following the exam administration in which the applicant did not receive a passing score. Applicants who did not receive a passing score, and did not submit an application for re-examination, may re-apply to sit for future examination administrations but they must submit a new application and application review fee, just as any normal application must.

How much does the exam cost?

For questions about PRPC pricing, see the PRPC Pricing Chart.

On what dates will the exam be offered?

The certification exam is offered twice per year. The test will be available May 1-15 and November 1-15.

What kind of questions will be on the exam?

The PRPC exam will cover Knowledge and Skills related to evaluating and treating pelvic floor dysfunction in men and women throughout the life cycle. The exam is multiple-choice, and each question will have four possible answers (A,B,C, or D) with only one option being the correct answer. There is no written portion of the exam.

Click Here to download sample PRPC exam questions!

The test blue print breaks down accordingly (the % is the percentage of questions on the exam which will focus on this knowledge domain)

Anatomy - 15%

Physiology - 20%

Pathophysiology - 20%

Pharmacology - 5%

Medical Interventions and Test - 5%

Tests and Measures - 5%

Interventions - 20%

Professional and Legal Requirements - 5%

Across all topic areas listed above, 25-30% of the exam items will require the applicant to read a hypothetical patient case scenario and answer questions based on their analysis of the case scenario.

How should I prepare for the exam?

H&W does not presently offer a PRPC preparatory course. There are no continuing education courses that applicants must attend in order to apply for PRPC, such a requirement would be a violation of psychometric best practices.


Those applicants who indicate on their application that they are interested in joining a study group will be put in touch with other applicants who have expressed a similar interest so that they may form a study group.


Once an applicant is approved to sit for the exam, H&W will send them a copy of the results of the Job Task Analysis, as well as a copy of the test blueprint which contains a detailed list of knowledge and skill statements. All of the questions on the examination must measure one or more of the knowledge and skills in the test blueprint document.

How will the exam be administered?

Once an applicant is approved to sit for the exam and H&W has received the applicant's examination fee, H&W will send the applicant a voucher number via email. Applicants must have this voucher number before contacting a Kryterion Host Locations to schedule a testing appointment. Appointments are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis; therefore, applicants should schedule an appointment as soon as possible after receiving a voucher number. Delays in scheduling may result in an applicant not being able to make an appointment at a preferred test site or preferred test date. Applicants should report any problems in scheduling a testing appointment to Kryterion as soon as possible.


Kryterion Host Locations can be located by checking this link:


PRPC examinations are administered by computerized testing. The examination questions are presented on computers and applicants provide their responses using a mouse or keyboard. Approved applicants should contact Kryterion as soon as possible once they have their voucher code to schedule a testing appointment. Applicants may take the test on any day that it is offered during the testing window, provided that there is space at the Kryterion test center of choice.


Applicants will have 240 minutes to complete the certification exam. Applicants may take short restroom breaks while sitting for the exam, however the 240 minute time limit will not stop during such breaks. Applicants will not be allowed to access any cell phones, computers, tablets, books, or any personal items during such restroom breaks.


Test Center Administrators are required to report any irregular behavior by an applicant during the examination. Evidence of unethical behavior, cheating or subversion of the exam will result in the applicant being deemed ineligible for certification and his/her fees will not be refunded.


Passing applicants may begin using the credential designation after their name on business cards, email signatures, and professional correspondence. Passing applicants will also receive an official certificate identifying them as a Certified Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner.


Applicants raw exam scores are not reported on the score reports to prevent misuse of the scores.

Other PRPC Questions

Is there an alternative to re-taking the PRPC exam to renew my certification?

There is no alternative to re-taking the examination to renew the PRPC certification. All licensed therapists who wish to renew their certification will need to re-take the examination ten years after they are first certified.

Is there a study guide available?

Those who apply to sit for the exam and whose applications are accepted will be sent the following study materials:

  1. A copy of the official Test Blueprint, which contains all Knowledge and Skill Statements covered on the exam
  2. A summary of the results of the Job Task Anaylsis Survey, which includes a breakdown of percentage of questions covering each topic area

How does PRPC differ from the WCS Certification?

Both the PRPC and the specialization exam are forms of professional certifications. The Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certification (PRPC) specifically identifies the bearer as a specialist in the pelvic health field, and it covers both women’s and men’s pelvic health throughout the life cycle. The WCS (Women’s Health Clinical Specialist) certification indicates a specialty in treatment only for women, and it covers women’s health more generally.


You do not have to choose one over the other as they are two different distinctions (PRPC was developed and offered by H&W, the WCS was developed by the ABPTS). You can be both PRPC and specialized in women’s health just like you can be a Certified Manual Therapist (MTC) and an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS).



How long is the certification valid?

The PRPC Certification is valid for 10 years, and all licensed therapists who wish to renew their certification will need to re-take the examination ten years after they are first certified.

What is the difference between Herman & Wallace's PRPC and the ABPTS Specialization on Women’s Health?

Both the PRPC and the specialization exam are forms of professional certifications. You do not have to choose one over the other as they are two different distinctions (PRPC is developed and offered by H&W, the WCS was developed by the ABPTS). The PRPC is a certification of practical and didactic expertise pertaining to pelvic floor dysfunction. The specialization exam is a didactic exam that encompasses all aspects of women’s health physical therapy. You can be both PRPC and specialized in women’s health just like you can be a Certified Manual Therapist (MTC) and an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS).


Certifications offered by the APTA are only available to Physical Therapists, whereas Heramn & Wallace's PRPC certification will be available to the professionals qualified to take courses through the Institute.

For a full breakdown on the differences between PRPC and Specializations available from ABPTS, please see this comparison chart.

What is the difference between a certificate, certification and specialization?

There is an important difference between a certificate and a certification or credential. Certificates are not held to the objective standards required of other types of credentialing. Credentialing is the umbrella term that includes the concepts of accreditation, licensure, registration and professional certification.

A Certificate of Attendance is issued after an individual attends or participates in a particular continuing education course. No knowledge is assessed and the recipient is not required to demonstrate competence according to professional standards.

A Knowledge-Based Certificate recognizes a relatively narrow scope of specialized knowledge used in performing tasks required by the profession. It is issued after the individual passes an assessment instrument.

Professional Certification is the voluntary process by which a non-governmental entity grants a time-limited recognition to an individual after verifying that he or she has met predetermined and standardized criteria. It is the vehicle a profession uses to differentiate among its members. The holder is called a certificant. Herman & Wallace's Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certification falls into this category of credential.


Specialization is a term related to the professional certifications offered by the ABPTS.

*Adapted from the "NOCA Guide to Understanding Credentialing Concepts"

Questions about H&W Faculty

I would like to teach for the H&W Institute. What are the requirements?

H&W seeks highly-motivated clinicians who wish to educate the next generation of pelvic rehabilitation practitioners.

If you have an existing course or an idea for a new course topic not currently addressed by our existing offerings, we would love to hear from you! Please submit a message here that includes a 2-3 paragraph describing your course includig target audience, length, and outline of topics. 


If you are interested in teaching the H&W series of courses, please submit an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (subject line: New Faculty Application - Your Name) and attach a current CV. Applicant’s CV must demonstrate that the applicant possess:

  • An active Physical Therapy license
  • 5+ years experience providing direct pelvic patient care, and a minimum of 2,000 hours total spent providing direct pelvic patient care. Pelvic patient care includes hours spent on direct patient care related to conditions of pelvic pain, pelvic girdle dysfunction, conditions of bowel, bladder, and sexual dysfunction that relate, in whole or in part, to the health and function of pelvic structures and the pelvic floor. Other conditions that qualify as direct pelvic patient care may include dysfunctions of the abdomen, thoracolumbar spine, or the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. These hours can include care for pediatric, adolescent, adult, and aged patients of any gender.
  • An active PRPC (Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner Certification) or plans to obtain PRPC within one year of applying. H&W may also consider the WCS (Women’s Health Clinical Specialty) as evidence of commitment to excellence in this field. Therapists who wish to apply but have not earned either the PRPC or WCS certifications must have 10+ years experience providing direct pelvic patient care.
  • Completion of the entire Pelvic Floor series (Level 1, 2A, 2B and Capstone), or completion of PF1, 2A, 2B and PF3 if completed prior to 2016 or PF1, PF2, and PF3 if completed prior to 2008.
  • Applicant has acted as a lab assistant at a minimum of two courses per year for the last two years. H&W will check our records to verify the applicant received majority positive eval scores from participants and favorable reviews from instructing faculty.

Additional Recommended Skills: The overwhelming feedback from our courses is that the faculty are the greatest strengths and the best part of their experience. We are seeking qualified experts with deep clinical knowledge, but we are also seeking individuals that have that “special sauce” that makes a great instructor. Here are a few ingredients that are part of that sauce.

  • Applicant should possess a minimum computer technical proficiency that includes a working knowledge of Microsoft suite, particularly Powerpoint, ability to manage a timely and professional email correspondence, and ability to access and share files using Dropbox
  • Strong public speaking skills and ability to carry oneself with poise and professionalism in a classroom-style setting.
  • Ability to troubleshoot in real time while managing one's own stress, while maintaining a "the show must go on" attitude is imperative.
  • The ideal candidate will be an empathetic person who can support their peers as they learn new skills and participate in lab work that can be sensitive and triggering, as well supporting one's co-instructor as a team-player. We strive to foster a learning environment that is welcoming and kind, and our faculty is key to carrying out that mission.
  • Passion - this may be demonstrated by commitment to the field, but also to one’s community, hobby, church or other projects. We’d love to hear about the highlights that make an applicant a unique individual!

Questions about

How do I get in touch with a course instructor?

Herman & Wallace does not give out personal contact information for our instructors. Oftentimes this information will be offered by instructors at courses they are teaching. All Herman & Wallace instructors are also full-time practitioners, and you can often find contact information for their clinics online.

How do I sign up for the H&W Newsletter?

If you would like to receive our Newsletter, which includes Institute news, course schedule updates, free resources for clinicians and other information related to the Institute and pelvic floor and pelvic girdle dysfunction, select "Sign Up for Our Newsletter" from the drop down menu on the left side of the web page. Fill in the information and you're on the list.

Can I contact Kathe Wallace and Hollis Herman through the institute?

Kathe and Holly are both full-time practitioners and they do not work in the administrative offices.

Kathe Wallace can be contacted through her website. She now teaches and consults independently from Herman and Wallace Inc.

Similarly, Holly Herman can be reached online.

What happens if I forget my password?

If you forget your log-in password, select "Forgot Password?" and enter your registered email address. A new one will be sent to you.

I need a W-9 to establish H&W as a vendor before my site can purchase anything. What do I do?

We have one all filled out and ready to go. Simply contact us by email and we'll send it to you. (Save yourself time and the Earth trees instead of mailing or faxing requests!)

How do I register with the Site?

To create an account on, select "Create an Account" in the upper lefthand side of the webpage. You will be asked to fill in your name, address, phone number, professional degrees, and email address.

Once you complete all the required information, an activation email will be sent to your email address. This is to ensure that Spammers do not register with our site and innudate us with junk posts. You must follow the activation link in the email to activate your account (this is how we know you are a real person and not a Spam robot).

If you do not receive the email within a matter of minutes, be sure and check your Spam box and make sure your email account isn't blocking us

Once you click the link, congrats, you are a registered user on

Questions about our Products

When will I receive the product I purchased?

All H&W products come as emailed files which can be immediately downloaded and customized with your own clinical logo and information. No hard copies of our products are shipped.

How does pre-funding work?

In our efforts to create products that our registrants find valuable, and keep the price of these products at low as possible, we are starting a new product development program. Here is how it works:

1. Herman & Wallace creates a product concept, a description of the product and it’s contents, without fully creating the product.
2. Herman & Wallace puts this product concept on our website for a trial period. This product concept’s page will contain:

a. A description of the product
b. The contents of the product (patient forms, powerpoint files, handouts, mapping tools...)
c. The estimated retail price of the product
d. An amount, lower than the retail price, that one can contribute towards this product’s full development called a “pre-fund” amount.
e. The end date of the trial period

3. Therapists who would like to buy the product can pre-fund the product concept at a discount to the retail price in exchange for receiving the product upon Herman & Wallace completing its development.

4. Once the product is completed (wihtin a period of weeks) the prefunders will receive the downloadable product they prefunded for the much lower prefund price than the full price. 


If enough therapists pre-fund the product before the end of the trial period, Herman & Wallace will fully develop the product, and will email the product to each therapist who pre-funded the product. If fewer than the minimum therapists pre-fund the product before the end of the trial period, Herman & Wallace will not fully develop the product, and Herman & Wallace will refund 100% of pre-fund amount paid by each therapist who pre-funded the product.

To Summarize:
If you see a product you'd like to purchase, pre-fund it and if the product reaches its funding goal, we'll email you the product after we finish developing it. Pre-funding a product carries NO RISK. If the product does not get funded, we will refund 100% of the amount contributed by each pre-funder.

I would like sell or promote my product through the Institute. Whom do I contact?

At the Institute, we are committed to offering the very best education, products and resources to clinicians for the treatment of pelvic floor and pelvic girdle dysfunction. If you have a product or an idea that you believe complements this mission, we would love to hear from you. Please Contact Us and we will put you in touch with our Sales Account Manager.

How do I purchase products?

The easiest way to purchase products is online on our "Products page". Orders are payable by credit card only. We do not accept Purchase or Money orders. Online product purchases are not eligible for refunds.

Questions about Satellite Lab Courses

I see that there will be options for a few in-person as well as satellite offerings for much of the series. Will HW continue to offer both formats?

We understand that many people appreciate the flexibility and accessibility of the satellite model as an improvement over the days when all series courses were sold out with long waitlists and lengthy travel was often required to attend our courses. We also understand that some folks simply prefer the format in which instructors are present at the course. Our intention is to offer formats that accommodate everyone’s needs, which is why the Pelvic Function Series will be available in-person as well as in the satellite format starting in 2024.

What is the difference between an "In-Person", a "Remote", and a "Satellite" course?

When you look a list of course events, you may see that some are listed as "remote" or "self-hosted" that appear to be available entirely online, some are "satellite courses" or "in-person" courses that list a specific location. What do these words mean?


Remote course:

Registrants can attend remote courses from any location with an internet connection. Labs in remote courses can be done solo, meaning registrants do not need to find a partner or small group.


remote small

The above shows a participant in a remote course.


Satellite course: 

At satellite lab courses, participants and lab assistants gather in small groups to view lectures and practice hands-on techniques (called labs). The instructor is not physically present at the satellite location, and is presenting to multiple satellite locations from an off-site location via zoom. During the lecture, the participants at the various satellites watch the instructor lecture live on a screen. During labs, on-site lab assistants guide hands-on lab time which is done in pairs or groups of three. 


TA satellite small

 A Teaching Assistant in satellite lab course leading participants through a demostration, while the instructor lectures on Zoom


In-person course:  

At in-person courses, registrants, lab assistants, and instructors gather at a single location for lecture and labs. 

preg seattle 2015 3

Instructor Holly Tanner lecturing at an in-person course


Self-Hosted course:

The self-hosted option is for those who are comfortable with self-lead, independent learning. For the self-hosted option, participants will need to sign up in groups of two or more in order to participate in labs. All participants must be licensed therapists who are registered for this course who can give knowledgeable feedback to their partner during lab (no patients or other unlicensed people). Self-hosted pairs and small groups meet at a location of their own choosing to tune into the same Zoom, and then work together during labs.


 Satellite small

 Participants in a self-hosted course watching lectures to prep for partnered lab work



What is the difference between attending a Satellite Lab course or doing a Self-Hosted Satellite Lab course?

Participants interested in joining a satellite lab course have two options:

  1. Joining a satellite lab location that is already established (in which case they travel to a given location where there will be other participants, and local teaching assistants). At a satellite, there is no need to register with a partner, as participants will be joining a group that is already meeting. At the course, the instructor teaches live on Zoom and then the group pairs up for lab time.
  2.  Doing the self-hosted option. The self-hosted option is for those who live in very remote/inaccessible regions, who are practicing stricter social distancing, and are comfortable with self-lead, independent learning. For the self-hosted option, participants will need to sign up in groups of two or more in order to participate in labs. All participants must be licensed therapists who are registered for this course who can give knowledgeable feedback to their partner during lab (no patients or other unlicensed people). Self-hosted pairs and small groups meet at a location of their own choosing to tune into the same Zoom, and then work together during labs. 

What should I expect during labs if I register for a "self-hosted" satellite lab course?

The entirety of this course will take place remotely via Zoom. During lectures, the instructor will present course materials to particiapnts who take notes, ask questions in real time, etc. Once it is time for lab, participants will perform labs with their partner or group mates. It is imperative that you receive feedback from a therapist (a therapist "acting" as a patient during labs. we have found  in order to get the full learning experience of this course. The instructor will be on hand to guide during lab time, so you must turn on your Zoom video. The instructor will check in with each group and pair to answer questions and guide learning.

These guidelines represent how we feel you can best experience a satellite lab course. If you feel you are unable to fulfill them then it is recommended that you not participate as a learner in a satellite lab course at this time.

  1. You will need to register with a PT partner. The feedback of your lab partner is highly valuable, therefore you will need to collaborate with another clinician, preferably someone in your clinic or health system that you are currently working with and who is under the same guidelines and current precautions as your state leadership mandates. All participants will need to register for the course.
  2. You will need to be able to access Zoom. The instructor will be teaching to all participants via this platform, including live lectures, offering real-time feedback, and answering your questions during lab sessions. Zoom is free to download. Each pair or small group will only need to log in with one device webcam (either laptop or tablet is fine), and will need to have working video and audio in order that the instructor can see you during lab time and hear your questions. Access to the meeting will be password protected and no genitalia will be displayed during the lab sessions.


You will need the following supplies to participate fully: 

  1. A treatment table or other solid surface on which a participant can lie during lab time (hi-low table is ideal but no necessary. (A yoga mat on the floor could work in a pinch.)
  2. One pillow per participant
  3. One sheet per participant d
  4. Lubricant and wipes
  5. Each participant should bring their own gloves (one set for each lab).


Please treat this like any other live continuing education course. Test your ability to see and hear Zoom (audio and video) prior to the event. Come prepared, having completed the pre-course learning and with all props and supplies already gathered.

I want to register for a self-hosted satellite lab course. Do I need to register with another physical therapist as a pair? What if I cannot find another PT to join me?

At this time, we are only allowing pairs or small groups (3 or more therapists) to register for our self-hosted satellite lab courses. We are not allowing therapists to register solo and then do their lab work on a friend/spouse/neighbor. Each PT in the pair or small group must be a paying registrant in the self-hosted satellite lab course. 

We require that you work with another clinician, as opposed to a non-clinician spouse/neighbor, because the feedback of a professional is crucial to correctly learning the manual skills. In the opinion of our curriculum development team, the likelihood that a non-clinician could provide the quality of feedback necessary (during an internal pelvic floor muscle assessment for example) to create a learning environment consistent with our traditional in-person courses is not sufficient.

Questions about the 2024 PF Series Update

When in my PF Series journey should I take the new Modalities course?

The Modalities and Pelvic Function course is an in-person, hands-on course intended for the therapist who has completed Pelvci Function Level 1.
Participants will learn how to use various modalities that can assist in downtraining, uptraining, monitoring of physiologic variables, as well as other tools that can assist in the care of a pelvic health patient. Lectures will instruct the participant in hands-on application of biofeedback and electrical stimulation along with other tools that can be used to assist in relaxation, bowel and bladder health, and sexual function. During labs, participants will have an opportunity to practice utilizing biofeedback for uptraining, downtraining, neuromuscular re-education and coordination. Additionally in labs, participants will be able to have hands-on experiences with other modalities to allow kinesthetic learning before prescribing and recommending them to patients. Interventions using shockwave, rehabilitative ultrasound imaging, dry needling, and light therapy will be discussed and demonstrated via video.

This intermediate-level course can be taken at any time after PF1, (before or after PF2A, 2B, 2C or Capstone). Therapists who completed the PF Series in the post-2020 satellite format and have not yet had in-person biofeedback labs will find this course particularly beneficial.

How is the PF Series being expanded and why is it being updated in this way?

Starting in 2024, two new courses will join the PF Series:

Modalities and Pelvic Function: The Pelvic Health Toolkit - This brand new course is an in-person two-day continuing education course targeted to pelvic health clinicians covering frequently used modalities in pelvic health, including biofeedback and EStim. Hands-on labs using a variety of equipment necessitate that this course be offered in-person, where participants can practice using the equipment. This course is being developed ot fill the need for hands-on guided lab time with a variety of modalities including the biofeedback. 

Pelvic Function Level 2C: Men’s Pelvic Health & Rehabilitation -This course is adapted and reformatted from the formerly stand-alone course, Male Pelvic Floor Function Dysfunction and Treatment, reflecting the inclusive stance of H&W core series instructing in the care of all patients. This course will be offered as satellite, self-hosted, and in-person options in order to provide the most flexible pathway for participants. 

It is a reality of our field that pelvic rehab evolved from a tradition of “women’s health physical therapy”, and that is reflected in the vulvovaginal emphasis of the current coursework. As the scope of pelvic rehab has expanded to encompass men’s health and care for all genders, it is important that all pelvises be incorporated at every level of our series, and that men’s health be a foundational part of our curricula, rather than being siloed as a specialty offering.



What courses will be required in order to advance to the Capstone course in 2024 and beyond?

As we understand the “advanced pelvic floor clinician” may have a variance of experience and focuses, the following course “journeys” can all be taken in order to take the Capstone course:

Pelvic Function Level 1: Introduction to Pelvic Health & Rehabilitation - Therapists should still start the PF Series with the intro level course. This course will now be more inclusive of all genders and will prepare participants for PF2A, 2B and 2C. 

Pelvic Function Level 2A: Colorectal Pelvic Health & Pudendal Neuralgia, Coccyx Pain - Therapists will be required to have the knowledge related to bowel health and performing anorectal exam covered in PF2A.

Pelvic Function Level 2B Pelvic Function for Abdominopelvic Pain & Urogynecologic Conditions and/or Pelvic Function Level 2C: Men’s Pelvic Health & Rehabilitation - These courses can be taken in either order. Therapists may complete one or both along with PF1 and PF2A in order to take Capstone. 

Modalities and Pelvic Function: The Pelvic Health Toolkit course is strongly recommended, but not required, in order to take the Capstone course. 

I have already started my PF series coursework, where do I go now?

If you have taken only PF1, you should advance to PF2A, 2B or 2C in any order. You may also wish to take the Modalities course in order to learn evidence-based use of modalities and practice biofeedback and Estim in a hands-on, in-person setting. The best way to choose which course to take next will be determined by who shows up in your clinic after completing PF1 and beginning to see your first pelvic patient caseload. 

If you have taken PF1 and 2A - take either 2B or 2C or both in any order to advance to Capstone. If you took PF1 following the pivot to the satellite model, you may also wish to take the Modalities course in order to practice hands-on modalities labs including biofeedback. 

If you have taken PF1 and 2B, you must take 2A prior to Capstone. You may take the 2C course to learn men’s health topics if seeing male and male-identifying patients is part of your clinical goals.If you took PF1 following the pivot to the satellite model, you may also wish to take the Modalities course in order to practice hands-on modalities labs including biofeedback. 

If I have taken PF1, 2A, and 2B - you may advance to Capstone or you may take the 2C course to learn men’s health topics if seeing male and male-identifying patients is part of your clinical goals. If you took PF1 following the pivot to the satellite model, you may also wish to take the Modalities course in order to practice hands-on modalities labs including biofeedback. 

If you have taken PF1, 2A, 2B and Capstone but have not taken the former Male Pelvic Floor course, you may take the 2C course to learn men’s health topics if seeing male and male-identifying patients is part of your clinical goals. 

If you have taken PF1, 2A and the Male Pelvic Floor course, you may advance to Capstone. If you took PF1 following the pivot to the satellite model, you may also wish to take the Modalities course in order to practice hands-on modalities labs including biofeedback. 

If you have taken PF1, 2A, 2B and the Male Pelvic Floor course, you may advance to Capstone. If you took PF1 following the pivot to the satellite model, you may also wish to take the Modalities course in order to practice hands-on modalities labs including biofeedback. 

Am I required to take more courses in order to complete the Pelvic Floor series now?

No. Previously, there were three prerequisite courses for taking the advanced Capstone course: PF1, 2A and 2B. Following the changes to the series, the prerequisite courses for taking Capstone will be PF1, 2A and 2B OR 2C (or both, depending on one’s target patient population). The Modalities course is a strongly encouraged, but not required, level of the PF series.

As before, participants should choose their next course based on the patient needs they are seeing in the clinic. Following PF1, many may see patients with fecal incontinence or coccyx pain and may choose to prioritize PF2A as the next step in their journey. Others may see patients with penile pain or incontinence post-prostatectomy and may choose to take 2C as their next step.  

As before, there are no required courses in order to sit for the Pelvic Rehab Practitioner Certification Exam. 

Why is PF1 required for 2C if it wasn't for Male Pelvic Floor?

Historically, the Male Pelvic Floor course was a stand-alone course, meaning that many participants would take this course after beginning their journey with PF1 and after already seeing patients with pelvic floor dysfunction. Others, often male and male-identifying practitioners who did not feel their goals were met by the vulvovaginal-centered PF series, would take the Male course as their first-ever introduction to pelvic health. This resulted in course attendees being in vastly different places in terms of experience, which often results in a sub-optimal learning experience for all. 

In addition, while it was helpful to offer a course focusing on the care of topics including post-prostatectomy dysfunction, pelvic and genital pain and sexual health and function that was open to all levels, for participants who took the former Male Pelvic Floor course but who did not take the rest of the series, foundational conversations including physiology of urinary function, discussion of trauma-aware care, and bowel health basics that often affect other pelvic functions were abbreviated.

As part of our push to see more information about patients of all genders incorporated at every level of the core series, PF1 which contains foundational information on all pelvises and core concepts in pelvic rehab, will be a prerequisite for 2C, which will build on those core concepts as they apply specifically to men.