Hi, I’m Deb Gulbranson, co-creator of the course Osteoporosis Management: An Introductory Course for Healthcare Professionals. Along with my partner, Frank Ciuba, we have created a program based on the works of Sara Meeks, whom we taught with for many years.
We know that posture is important, and we may include it in our evaluations, but how do we objectively measure it? How much time do we spend on education, training, exercises, and return demonstration? Chances are, not as much as we should.
Optimal alignment affects our breathing, balance, efficiency of gait, digestion, AND bone density.
In order to increase bone density, we need to weight bear through the skeleton, not in front of it. Compression fractures occur along the anterior aspect of the vertebral bodies. Strengthening the back extensors has also been shown to increase bone density. Therefore, someone with a hyper-kyphotic posture of the thoracic spine is at risk for fracture due to increased pressure anteriorly and overstretched, weakened musculature posteriorly. Statistics show that 1:2 women and 1:4 men will have a fragility fracture due to low bone mass.
How do we objectively measure and describe a person’s alignment?
A quick and simple way is using a wall and measuring tape. Have your patient stand with their heels, sacrum, and thoracic apex of the spine against the wall. There are two options to measure using the OWD or the TWD. Occiput to Wall Distance or Tragus to Wall Distance. The Tragus is the small bump of cartilage in front of the ear canal. Both OWD and TWD have a positive relationship with the Cobb angle, and although they’re not as specific, they are both equally effective. It’s a matter of preference. Frank prefers the TWD since it’s easier to see and measure. However, the score does not tell you how far away from the wall the head is. There will always be a positive number based on the size and shape of the head.
I prefer the OWD because whatever the measurement is, it tells me how far forward the head is. 0 equals optimal alignment. The downside is that it’s a little harder to pinpoint the most prominent point of the occiput.
In both cases, the measurement gives us a baseline to measure against. These can be used as screens in a health fair, during a PT screen for patients without a diagnosis of low bone density, and certainly as part of a full eval for patients with known osteoporosis, a compression fracture, or even osteopenia.
These measures, taken periodically, can be very motivating for patients. Generally, we see not only a decrease in the hyper-kyphosis distance but also an increase in height.
This is only one of several ways to assess and describe posture and alignment. We hope you’ll consider joining us to learn more about the treatment protocols and exercise programs in our upcoming Osteoporosis Management course on April 26th.
Deb Gulbrandson, PT, DPT
Deb Gulbrandson, DPT (she/her) has been a physical therapist for over 49 years with experience in acute care, home health, pediatrics, geriatrics, sports medicine, and consulting to business and industry. She owned a private practice for 27 years in the Chicago area specializing in orthopedics and Pilates. 5 years ago, Deb and her husband “semi-retired” to Evergreen, Colorado where she works part-time for a hospice and home-care agency, sees private patients as well as Pilates clients in her home studio and teaches Osteoporosis courses for Herman & Wallace. In her spare time, she skis and is busy checking off her Bucket List of visiting every national park in the country- currently 46 out of 63 and counting.
Deb is a graduate of Indiana University and a former NCAA athlete, where she competed on the IU Gymnastics team. She has always been interested in movement and function and is grateful to combine her skills as a PT and Pilates instructor. She has been certified through Polestar Pilates since 2005, a Certified Osteoporosis Exercise Specialist through the Meeks Method since 2008, and a Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult through the Geriatric Section of the APTA.
Ask anyone on the street what one should do for osteoporosis and the typical answer is weight-bearing exercises - and they would be partially right. Weight-bearing, or loading, activities have been shown to increase bone density.(1) But that’s not the whole story. Different exercises have different strain magnitudes, strain rates, and strain frequencies - all of which impact bone density.
When considering weight-bearing exercises for a home exercise program, the million-dollar question is, “How much weight-bearing is enough to stimulate bone growth, and how much is too much to compromise bone at risk for a fracture?” We know that there are incidents of individuals fracturing from just their body weight upon standing. Recently patients have been asking about heel drops and stomping, and whether they should do them. One size does not fit all.
An alternative is to focus on odd impact loading. A study by Nikander et a (2) targeted female athletes in a variety of sports classified by the type of loading they apparently produce at the hip region; that is, high-impact loading (volleyball, hurdling), odd-impact loading (squash-playing, soccer, speed-skating, step aerobics), high magnitude loading (weightlifting), low-impact loading (orienteering, cross-country skiing), and non-impact loading (swimming, cycling). The results showed that high impact and odd impact loading sports were associated with the highest bone mineral density.
Marques et al found that odd impact has the potential for preserving bone mass density as does high impact in older women in their 2011 study (3). Activities such as side stepping, figure eights, backward walking, and walking in square patterns help “surprise the bones” due to the different angles of muscular pull on the hip. The benefit, according to Nikander, is that we can get the same osteogenic benefits with less force, moderate versus high impact. This type of bone training would offer a feasible basis for targeted exercise-based prevention of hip fragility.
I tell my osteoporosis patients that if they walk or run the same route, the same distance, and the same speed that they are not maximizing the osteogenic benefits of weight bearing. Providing variety to the bones creates increased bone mass in the femoral neck and lumbar spine.(4)
Dancing is another great activity that combines forward, side, backward, and diagonal motions to movement. In addition, it adds music to make the “weight-bearing exercises” more fun. Due to balance and fall risk, many senior exercise classes offer Chair exercise to music. Unfortunately sitting is the most compressive position for the spine and is particularly problematic with osteoporosis patients. Also, the hips do not get any weight-bearing benefit. Whenever safely possible, have patients stand; you can position two kitchen chairs on either side, much like parallel bars, to hold on to while they “dance.”
Providing creativity in weight-bearing activities using odd impact allows not only for fun and stimulation and offers more “bang for the buck!”
Build on your knowledge of osteoporosis management by joining Deb Gulbrandson and Frank Ciuba in their upcoming short course Osteoporosis Management scheduled for January 25! Not only will you gain a deeper understanding of the scope of the problems, and specific tests for patients with osteoporosis, but you will also learn skills for evaluating patients as well as appropriate safe exercises for an Osteoporosis program.
Deb Gulbrandson, PT, DPT
Deb Gulbrandson, DPT has been a physical therapist for over 49 years with experience in acute care, home health, pediatrics, geriatrics, sports medicine, and consulting to business and industry. She owned a private practice for 27 years in the Chicago area specializing in orthopedics and Pilates. 5 years ago, Deb and her husband “semi-retired” to Evergreen, Colorado where she works part-time for a hospice and home-care agency, sees private patients as well as Pilates clients in her home studio and teaches Osteoporosis courses for Herman & Wallace. In her spare time, she skis and is busy checking off her Bucket List of visiting every national park in the country- currently 46 out of 63 and counting.
Deb is a graduate of Indiana University and a former NCAA athlete where she competed on the IU Gymnastics team. She has always been interested in movement and function and is grateful to combine her skills as a PT and Pilates instructor. She has been certified through Polestar Pilates since 2005, a Certified Osteoporosis Exercise Specialist through the Meeks Method since 2008, and a Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult through the Geriatric Section of the APTA.
When thinking of the Developmental Sequence (Supine, Side-lying, Prone, Quadruped, Tall Kneeling, Half-kneeling, Standing, and Walking), I used to think of either pediatrics or people with strokes. However, the developmental sequence can be very useful from an orthopedic standpoint specifically with osteoporosis patients.
We know that sitting is the most compressive position for our spines, yet repeatedly, I see physical therapists start exercise programs in sitting. There are several reasons I’d like you to consider starting patients in supine.
Working with patients in these three basic positions, while focusing on intercostal breathing, muscle relaxation of the neck, fingers, and other compensatory patterns as we move up the chain, builds a foundation to prepare for functional activities of sit-to-stand, static standing, and movement. These are not stepping stones to be skipped in order to jump into the higher-level functional activities. You would not build a house without a firm foundation. Make sure your patient has the building blocks necessary for the best possible outcomes.
Please join Frank Ciuba and me for our upcoming remote course: Osteoporosis Management: An Introductory Course for Healthcare Professionals on Saturday, Nov 2, 2024. We will discuss osteoporosis-safe exercises, balance and gait activities, and additional ways to help your patients build a strong foundation for movement competence!
Deb Gulbrandson, PT, DPT
Deb Gulbrandson, DPT has been a physical therapist for over 49 years with experience in acute care, home health, pediatrics, geriatrics, sports medicine, and consulting to business and industry. She owned a private practice for 27 years in the Chicago area specializing in orthopedics and Pilates. 5 years ago, Deb and her husband “semi-retired” to Evergreen, Colorado where she works part-time for a hospice and home-care agency, sees private patients as well as Pilates clients in her home studio and teaches Osteoporosis courses for Herman & Wallace. In her spare time, she skis and is busy checking off her Bucket List of visiting every national park in the country- currently 46 out of 63 and counting.
Deb is a graduate of Indiana University and a former NCAA athlete where she competed on the IU Gymnastics team. She has always been interested in movement and function and is grateful to combine her skills as a PT and Pilates instructor. She has been certified through Polestar Pilates since 2005, a Certified Osteoporosis Exercise Specialist through the Meeks Method since 2008, and a Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult through the Geriatric Section of the APTA.
When thinking of the Developmental Sequence (Supine, Side-lying, Prone, Quadruped, Tall Kneeling, Half-kneeling, Standing, and Walking), I used to think of either pediatrics or people with strokes. However, the developmental sequence can be very useful from an orthopedic standpoint specifically with osteoporosis patients.
We know that sitting is the most compressive position for our spines, yet repeatedly, I see physical therapists start exercise programs in sitting. There are several reasons I’d like you to consider starting patients in supine.
Working with patients in these three basic positions, while focusing on intercostal breathing, muscle relaxation of the neck, fingers, and other compensatory patterns as we move up the chain, builds a foundation to prepare for functional activities of sit-to-stand, static standing, and movement. These are not stepping stones to be skipped in order to jump into the higher-level functional activities. You would not build a house without a firm foundation. Make sure your patient has the building blocks necessary for the best possible outcomes.
Please join Frank Ciuba and me for our upcoming remote course: Osteoporosis Management: An Introductory Course for Healthcare Professionals on Saturday, Nov 2, 2024. We will discuss osteoporosis-safe exercises, balance and gait activities, and additional ways to help your patients build a strong foundation for movement competence!
Deb Gulbrandson, PT, DPT
Deb Gulbrandson, DPT has been a physical therapist for over 49 years with experience in acute care, home health, pediatrics, geriatrics, sports medicine, and consulting to business and industry. She owned a private practice for 27 years in the Chicago area specializing in orthopedics and Pilates. 5 years ago, Deb and her husband “semi-retired” to Evergreen, Colorado where she works part-time for a hospice and home-care agency, sees private patients as well as Pilates clients in her home studio and teaches Osteoporosis courses for Herman & Wallace. In her spare time, she skis and is busy checking off her Bucket List of visiting every national park in the country- currently 46 out of 63 and counting.
Deb is a graduate of Indiana University and a former NCAA athlete where she competed on the IU Gymnastics team. She has always been interested in movement and function and is grateful to combine her skills as a PT and Pilates instructor. She has been certified through Polestar Pilates since 2005, a Certified Osteoporosis Exercise Specialist through the Meeks Method since 2008, and a Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult through the Geriatric Section of the APTA.
Movement competence (or Movement Literacy) is defined as the development of sufficient skills to ensure successful performance in different physical activities. Often used in the world of sports and youth, it also applies to our everyday activities. For example, standing up from a chair or toilet, getting in/out of a car, moving our body from Point A to Point B (and the difference between the ground being even and dry vs uneven and icy).
In our course, Osteoporosis Management: An Introductory Course for Healthcare Professionals, Dr Frank Ciuba and I approach the starting point for individuals with low bone mass (osteopenia or osteoporosis), from an “optimal alignment position.” Patients start supine with hips and knees flexed and are educated on what optimal alignment feels like. Many need to be propped using pillows, towels, or blocks behind their heads, forearms, or between their knees to achieve “their optimal alignment.” Breathing and awareness play a huge role in activating core musculature to sustain this alignment when moving to a vertical position such as sitting or standing. In vertical, our weight-bearing forces and gravity should pass down through the skeleton to take advantage of bone-building benefits. We use dowel rods, broom handles, and walls to give feedback. Optimal alignment can and should be taught in a variety of positions: side-lying, prone, hands and knees, ½ kneeling as we move up the developmental chain.
Hip Hinging, a well-known concept by therapists, must be practiced and mastered for patients with low bone mass to reduce the risk of vertebral fractures. Activities that involve bending at the waist such as brushing teeth, making a bed, and putting dishes in the dishwasher all place the anterior portion of the vertebral bodies under pressure and increase fracture risk.
Advancing from static optimal alignment postures to dynamic optimal alignment is a whole different ballgame; akin to advancing from sitting in a car to driving a car. There are many moving parts - pun intended.
Just as in athletics, mastery comes from repetition. It is not enough to teach patients a safe movement pattern one time, hand them a sheet of paper with pictures, and expect them to be able to comply and gain competence. Reinforcing proper technique and helping them become aware of compensation strategies (hunching shoulders when lifting objects, overarching the back when reaching overhead, etc.) are critical if Movement Competency is to “stick.”
I like to think of movement competency as building a house. First, you need a firm foundation before putting up the walls and roof. Our patients require that foundation to be able to layer on more complicated patterns of movement.
Please join us for this one-day course on September 14th or November 2nd to learn more Osteoporosis-safe exercises, balance and gait activities, and additional ways to help your patients build a strong foundation for movement competence!
Deb Gulbrandson, PT, DPT
Deb Gulbrandson, DPT has been a physical therapist for over 49 years with experience in acute care, home health, pediatrics, geriatrics, sports medicine, and consulting to business and industry. She owned a private practice for 27 years in the Chicago area specializing in orthopedics and Pilates. 5 years ago, Deb and her husband “semi-retired” to Evergreen, Colorado where she works part-time for a hospice and home-care agency, sees private patients as well as Pilates clients in her home studio and teaches Osteoporosis courses for Herman & Wallace. In her spare time, she skis and is busy checking off her Bucket List of visiting every national park in the country- currently 46 out of 63 and counting.
Deb is a graduate of Indiana University and a former NCAA athlete where she competed on the IU Gymnastics team. She has always been interested in movement and function and is grateful to combine her skills as a PT and Pilates instructor. She has been certified through Polestar Pilates since 2005, a Certified Osteoporosis Exercise Specialist through the Meeks Method since 2008, and a Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult through the Geriatric Section of the APTA.
Frank Ciuba, co-instructor of Osteoporosis Management< alongside Deb Gulbrandson, explains that practitioners need the information provided in their course. "This course is the latest up-to-date research compiled by my partner Deb Gulbrandson and myself in the management of osteoporosis for clinicians." He shares that similar to learning about the pelvic floor, "when physical therapists go to school they get only a small amount of what osteoporosis is and very little on how to treat a patient."
Frank explains that he became interested in teaching osteoporosis management when he learned "that one in four men statistically will get osteoporosis or an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime and they're really not being identified." Osteoporosis Management provides an exercise-oriented approach to treating these patients and it covers specific tests for evaluation, appropriate safe exercises and dosing, basic nutrition, and ideas for marketing your osteoporosis program.
In pelvic health rehabilitation, it's seen that osteoporosis-related kyphosis (curvature of the spine) can affect pelvic organ prolapse, breathing, and digestion. Patients who go through the osteoporosis management program with Frank and Deb, are shown that they reduce the likelihood of compression fracture by 80%.
This course, Osteoporosis Management, is not just for practitioners working with osteoporosis or osteopenia patients. Frank lists the types of patients he's been able to help. "I've used this on high school backpack syndrome, whiplash injuries, adhesive capsulitis, spinal stenosis, low back pain, lumbar strain, even some hip pathologies." He concludes with "We just need to get the word out to more individuals that this a program that can help them. Not only in the short term, but in the long term. This is a program for life."
Holly Tanner and Deb Gulbrandson sat down to discuss the Osteoporosis Management Remote Course and why it is important for practitioners to recognize and know how to safely treat and manage osteoporosis patients in their practices.
Deb Gulbrandson shares the goal of the Osteoporosis Management remote course: "This course is based on the Meeks Method created by Sara Meeks, PT, MS, GCS...we have branched out to add information on sleep hygiene, exercise dosing, and basic nutrition for a person with low bone mass. Knowing how to recognize signs, screen for osteoporosis, and design an effective and safe program can be life-changing for these patients."
Join H&W at the Osteoporosis Management remote course, scheduled for September 18-19, 2021, to learn more about treating patients with osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is known to be a painless, progressive condition that leads to a weakening of the bones and can lead to a higher risk for broken bones. The upcoming remote course, Osteoporosis Management, scheduled for September 18-19, 2021, will discuss the scope of problems, specific tests for evaluating patients, appropriate safe exercises and dosing, and basic nutrition.
H&W faculty member Deb Gulbrandson recommends using the National Osteoporosis Foundation database for a resource and emphasizes the prevalence of osteoporosis is in a past interview for the Pelvic Rehab Report. "Approximately 1 in 2 women over the age of 50 will suffer a fragility fracture in their lifetime...According to the US Census Bureau, there are 72 million baby boomers (age 51-72) in 2019. Currently, over 10 million Americans have osteoporosis and 44 million have low bone mass."
A well-known consequence of osteoporosis is the increased risk of fragility fractures. A fragility fracture is often the first sign of osteoporosis and can be the cause of pain, disability, and quality of life for the patient. Research by Marsha van Oostwaard provided data that suggests about 13 percent of men and 40 percent of women with osteoporosis will experience a fragility fracture in their lifetime. Men also have a higher rate of mortality from fragility fractures relative to women (1).
The International Osteoporosis Foundation reports that patients who have suffered from a fragility fracture are at a high risk of experiencing secondary fractures, especially within two years of the initial fracture. Fragility fractures can result in osteoporotic patients from events that would not elicit an injury in a healthy adult. These events can include falling from a standing position and other low-energy traumas.
Fragility fractures are characterized by low bone mineral density and have an increased incidence with age (2). The risk of a fragility fracture is also influenced by bone geometry and microstructure. The most serious fracture sites are at the hip and vertebrae, but fractures can occur also on the ribs and other locations. Healthcare practitioners can assist patients in adapting lifestyle factors including exercise, sleep positions, and nutrition with the aim of helping prevent falls from occurring.
Deb Gulbrandson shares the goal of the Osteoporosis Management remote course: "This course is based on the Meeks Method created by Sara Meeks, PT, MS, GCS...we have branched out to add information on sleep hygiene, exercise dosing, and basic nutrition for a person with low bone mass. Knowing how to recognize signs, screen for osteoporosis, and design an effective and safe program can be life-changing for these patients."
Join H&W at the Osteoporosis Management remote course, scheduled for September 18-19, 2021, to learn more about treating patients with osteoporosis.
Deb Gulbrandson, PT, DPT, along with Frank J Ciuba DPT, MS, is the author and instructor for a new course on osteoporisis that is launching remotely this month. Join Deb in Osteoporosis Management: A Comprehensive Approach for Healthcare Professionals!
Osteoporosis is a disease of increasingly porous bones that are at greater risk for fracture. The normal “bone remodeling” of breaking down and building up bone as we age is out of balance. Similar to a bank account with withdrawals outpacing deposits, as time goes on there is more breaking down than building back up. This leaves the bone more vulnerable for fracture.
We tend to think of Osteoporosis as an old person’s disease and in fact age is certainly a risk factor. We see a sharp decline in bone density the first few years following menopause; a withdrawal from the “bone bank account.” But let me share a startling statistic. At the age of 20 we have 98% of the bone density we will ever achieve. We achieve Peak Bone Mass by age thirty when our bones have reached their maximum strength and density.
Factors affecting Peak Bone Mass include both Non-modifiable and Modifiable. Among the non-modifiable factors are gender (peak bone mass is higher in men), race (peak bone mass is higher in African Americans), and hormonal factors (early onset of menstruation and use of oral contraceptives tend to have higher peak bone mass). A family history of osteoporosis is another important factor.
Modifiable factors include nutrition (adequate calcium in the diets of young people), physical activity during the early years (specifically weight bearing and resistance exercises). Poor lifestyle behaviors (smoking, high alcohol intake, and sedentary lifestyle) have all been linked to low bone density in adolescents.
The American Physical Therapy Association website includes a section on “Container Baby Syndrome” (CBS). CBS is the name used to describe a range of physical, cognitive, and developmental conditions caused by a baby or infant spending too much time in containers such as baby carriers, strollers, and Bumpo seats. Bone mass can certainly be affected by reduced movement and weight bearing activities. Due to the SIDS scare, many young parents are fearful of allowing their children to spend time on their abdomens. Educate and share the “Supine to Sleep, Prone to Play” mantra.
The graph below shows a comparison of the Peak Bone Mass of males to females and to individuals with suboptimal lifestyle factors. You can see that the suboptimal group never catches up and enters the osteoporosis stage at around age 40.
According to the Department of Human Services “Osteoporosis is a pediatric disease with geriatric consequences. Peak bone mass is built during our first three decades. Failure to build strong bones during childhood and adolescent years manifests in fractures later in life.”
What can we do?
• Start early: Encourage young children (and their parents) to move more and sit less.
• Spread the word: Speak to Young Mothers’ Clubs, Girl Scout Troops; anywhere to influence adolescent and teens about the importance of proper exercise and good nutrition.
• Write a blog: Share this information in newspapers, social media, and on your website. Get the word out! Because the bones of our future generation depend on it.
NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center
Department of Human Services
American Physical Therapy Association
Deb Gulbrandson, PT, DPT is teaming up with Frank J Ciuba DPT, MS to create a new course called Osteoporosis Management: A Comprehensive Approach for Healthcare Professionals! This new course is launching remotely this July 25-26, 2020, and it emphasizes visual imagery cues which leads to enhanced performance for patients. Both course authors are trained by Sara Meeks, and have adapted her method to create this updated, evidence-based course on osteoporosis management.
How many times have you told your patients to stand up straight and stop looking down while walking? How’d that work out? Probably not so good. At best you may have noticed a temporary correction only for the patient to return to the formerly mentioned poor posture. We know that balance is affected by alignment of our trunk and spine. 1 Everyone needs to avoid falls but it’s particularly important with osteoporosis patients due to bone fragility.
We want our patients not only to move, but to move with optimal alignment. According to Fritz, et al 2 in the vhitepaper: “Walking Speed: The Sixth Vital Sign”, walking is a complex functional activity. Our ability to influence motor control, muscle performance, sensory and perceptual function, endurance and habitual activity level can result in a more efficient and safer gait.
Visual imagery cuing had been popular in the sports world for decades. By changing one or two words, physical performance has been shown to improve. 3 In a study involving standing long jump, Wu et al instructed undergraduate students to either “Jump as far as you can and think about extending your legs” (internal focus) or “Jump as far as you can and think about jumping as close to the green target as possible” (external focus). The external focus group jumped 10% farther. Lohse et al 4 and Zachry et al 5 surmised that an external focus reduces the "noise" in the motor system which affects muscular tension and optimal function.
Before you can expect your patients to walk well, they have to stand well- stability before mobility. Assess their posture from all angles and determine where to start. One visual image may change a host of problems. A common postural fault, “slumping” is seen as forward head, increased thoracic kyphosis accompanied with either lumbar hyper or hypo lordosis. Your goal is to get the optimal alignment image that you have in your mind……. into their body.
Most people think in pictures rather than words. 6 Yet the medical industry uses words to communicate. Often we say, “Don’t slouch. Don’t look down.” Telling your patient what not to do is not helpful. Our brain hears the words, “Slouch or look down.” We don’t discern the negative. If I say to you, “Don’t think of a pink elephant,” what does your mind see? How can you not see a pink elephant?
Below are five common visual cues to improve a patient’s posture in standing and walking. These tend to follow the Pareto Principle. 20% of your cues work 80% of the time.
Choose a cue and instruct your patient. Observe changes in posture, alignment, efficiency of movement, or length of step during gait. Ask your patient for feedback. “What did you notice?” Certain cues resonate more than others. Give them variety and options. The best cues are the ones they create themselves. When a patient says, “You mean like………..?” you know it’s a great cue for them. They have an intuitive understanding and relate to it which translates into their body. A patient’s response to the bungee cord cue was, “You mean like a Christmas ornament hanging from the tree?” My response? Absolutely!
While some visual cues may seem too flowery or not “medical” enough, the research is solid the impact powerful. Plus your patients love it! Visual cues are sticky. They help remind us when we’re out in the real world. Isn’t that the ultimate goal – helping patients become independent in their pursuit of health and safety?
1. Shiro Imagam, et all. Influence of spinal sagittal alignment, body balance, muscle strength, and physical ability on falling of middle-aged and elderly males. Eur Spine J. 2013 Jun;
2. Fritz S. et al White Paper: “Walking Speed: The Sixth Vital Sign” J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2009
3. Wu, et al Effect of Attentional Focus Strategies on Peak Force and Performance in the Standing Long Jump. Joun of Strength and Conditioning Research 2012
4. Lohse and Sherwood Defining the Focus of Attention: Effects of Attention on Perceived Exertion and Fatigue
5. Zachry, T et al. Increased Movement Accuracy and Reduced EMG Activity as a Result of Adopting an External Focus of Attention. Brain Research Bulletin Oct 2005
6. Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery. Franklin, Eric. Second Edition, 2012
Osteoporosis or low bone mass is much more common than most people realize. Approximately 1 in 2 women over the age of 50 will suffer a fragility fracture in their lifetime. A fragility fracture is identified as a fracture due to a fall from a standing height. According to the US Census Bureau there are 72 million baby boomers (age 51-72) in 2019. Currently over 10 million Americans have osteoporosis and 44 million have low bone mass.
Many myths abound regarding osteoporosis. Answer these 5 questions below to test your Osteoporosis IQ. 1
Fact: In addition to the statistic above regarding the incidence of fractures in women, up to 1 in 4 men over the age of 50 will suffer a fragility fracture.
Fact: Although we do lose bone density as we age, osteopenia or osteoporosis is a much more significant loss than seen in normal aging. DXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) is the gold standard for measuring bone density and the test shows whether an individual’s numbers fall into the normal, osteopenia, or osteoporosis range based on his or her age.
Fact: Osteoporosis has been called a “pediatric condition which manifests itself in old age.” Up until the age of 30 we build bone faster than it breaks down. This includes the growth phase of infants and adolescents and is also the time to build as much bone density as possible. By the age of 30, called our Peak Bone Mass, we have accumulated as much bone density as we will ever have. Proper nutrition, osteoporosis specific exercises, and good body mechanics in our formative years can all play a role in reducing the effects of low bone mass later on.
Fact: Two myths here. Flexion based exercises such as sit-ups, crunches, and toe touches are contraindicated for osteoporosis. A landmark study done by Dr. Sinaki from Mayo clinic showed women with osteoporosis had an 89% re-fracture rate after performing flexion based exercises. 2
Fact: Secondly, only 30% of vertebral compression fractures (VCF) are symptomatic meaning many individuals fracture without knowing it. This can lead to a fracture cascade as individuals continue performing movements and exercises that are contraindicated.
Fact: The DXA is a simple and painless test which lasts 5-10 minutes. You lay on your back and the machine scans over you with an open arm- no enclosed spaces. There is very little radiation. Your exposure is 10-15 times more when flying from New York to San Francisco.
How did you do? Feel free to share these myths with your patients, many of whom may have osteoporosis in addition to the primary diagnosis for which they are being treated. To learn more about treating patients with low bone density/osteoporosis, consider attending a Meeks Method for Osteoporosis course!
1. www.nof.org
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6487063
3. https://www.aafp.org/afp/2016/0701/p44.html